At a March 6, resiliency training event in the Vicenza Military Community, Eric Urrutia a Performance Expert, conducted a class for Public Health Activity Italy. Urrutia works at the R2 (Ready and Resilient) Performance Center located on Del Din. Instead of conducting a classroom style training event, Urrutia was able to teach Public Health Activity Italy about resiliency by teaming up with the Ederle Fitness Center Manager Joshua Grant. Grant taught everyone the basics of the sport pickle ball, while Urrutia focused on how resiliency can go hand in hand with learning a new skill.
The R2 Performance Center offers a wide range of classes. Performance Experts, specialize in unit and individual mental skills training. This includes master resilience training, optimizing performance training, leadership training, building unit cohesion and much more.
“Mental toughness is something that can be taught, which benefits you in both your professional and personal lives,” Urrutia said.
The R2 Performance Center is geared to help not only military units but Department of the Army Civilians and family members as well. Reach out to the R2 Performance Center to get more information on how a customized mental readiness program can work for you or your unit. +39 0444 712 2226
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