DETROIT ARSENAL, Mich. — Organizations at the Detroit Arsenal came together on March 21 to host the first-ever Detroit Arsenal Hiring Fair. The goal of the fair, according to Brig. Gen. Michael B. Lalor, commanding general, U.S. Army Tank-automotive and Armaments Command, was to allow the local community to “come inside the gates and see what the Army does, here in the hub of innovation.”
People from all over the Metro Detroit area attended the event, which included on-the-spot interviews, internships and direct hiring authority. Positions offered ranged from logistics, IT, finance, accounting, contracting and tech writing to childcare and golf course maintenance. The fair offered something for everyone, and the applicants attending appreciated the opportunity to learn more about the Army and the arsenal.
Talking before a crowd of more than 200 applicants gathered in the auditorium at the start of the hiring fair, Lalor said, “Looking at you, I know we have the best and brightest who are interested in our mission and what we do.”
He continued, “It’s an exciting time to be part of what the Army is doing right now. [The Army is] in the midst of the biggest modernization of our equipment, our systems and how we recruit people in 45 years. TACOM and the organizations that work here at the Detroit Arsenal are right at the forefront of it. Every day in this location, you have the best fusion of what the Army has to offer in the acquisition, logistics and technology realms and how we bring it all together to support the Army in both modernization and sustainability.”
Lalor ended his remarks by stating that he wants to keep talent in Michigan and, as an adopted Michigander himself, thinks very highly of this region and “what it can do and what we can do together.”
The fair, which lasted four hours, included hiring managers from TACOM, the Program Executive Office for Combat Support and Combat Service Support, the Program Executive Office for Ground Combat Systems, the Ground Combat Vehicle Systems Center, the Army Contracting Command-Detroit Arsenal, the Army Materiel Command Legal Center-Detroit Arsenal, the Materiel Systems Organization, the Defense Logistics Agency, the U.S. Army Garrison-Detroit Arsenal, TACOM’s Integrated Logistics Support Center and the U.S. Army Reserves.
The event was just the first step in the Detroit Arsenal’s civilian recruiting efforts, which, as stated by Lalor, is one of several ways the Army is looking to attract the best talent Michigan has to offer.
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