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Fort Knox ‘Milparents Rock: Rock-Solid Families Start Here’ events kicked off Friday, April 5

By Savannah BairdMarch 29, 2024

Fort Knox, Ky. -- In honor of Child Abuse Prevention Month, the Fort Knox Family Advocacy Program will have multiple events and programs available to the community in April to raise awareness and support.

(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

After kicking off the month with the nationally recognized "Wear Blue Day" tradition, CAPM events are officially in full swing.

Still to come: a multiple location reading activity and the Child Abuse Prevention Month community proclamation. On April 24, the Garrison command team will visit the Child Development Center and the School Age Center to read the book Only One You from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Only One You reflects on the love and wisdom parents instill in their children and encourages children to celebrate their uniqueness.

In addition to the reading, the Fort Knox New Parent Support Program, a part of the Family Advocacy Program, will be giving out copies of Only One You to each of 600-plus children expected to attend the event.

Colonel Chris Ricci, Fort Knox Garrison commander, will be signing this year’s community proclamation at the reading. Ricci will also sign a community proclamation to recognize and support Child Abuse Prevention Month.

On April 26, the Hansen Community Center will host a Family Advocacy Program event called Milparents Rock Baby Expo from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The event will provide information on available community resources to service members and their spouses who are currently expecting children or who have recently had a child. There will be an estimated 30 on-post and off-post organizations that are anticipated to be present, providing information and resources.

Family Advocacy Program officials say they are hoping to send a message to parents and families at these events that “they are not alone, and our installation’s resources are available to support them.”

For more information on all these events, call the Fort Knox Family Advocacy Program at 502-624-8391/6291.

(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL


Editor’s Note: If you are concerned about the well-being of a child or you observe child abuse or neglect, reach out to these contact points for help:

Fort Knox Military Police non-emergency number at 502-624-2111,

Kentucky DCBS Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline at 877-597-2331 (877-KYSAFE1).