Stormi Travis is the fourth generation in her family to work at McAlester Army Ammunition Plant in Oklahoma.
Travis’ parents, grandparents, and great grandparents have all worked at MCAAP.
And why did Travis decide to follow their footsteps?
“At the time, we were in preservation mode, and I was still cleaning houses to pay the bills,” said Travis, a data analyst for the Operations Maintenance Directorate. “I was fortunate enough to be hired as a program assistant and over the past 10 years through guidance, additional training, and hard work, I have advanced.”
As part of her career development, Travis joined MCAAP’s Leadership Investment for Tomorrow program. The purpose of the LIFT program is to identify and develop employee talent by providing employees exposure to all directorates within MCAAP.
“We view MCAAP as an ecosystem. Like a natural ecosystem, the more our employees ‘crosspollinate’ with each other, the more robust and resilient MCAAP becomes,” said Robert Byrd, MCAAP’s Chief of Training and Operations. “The knowledge our employees gain concerning the total mission fuels new growth in positive ways we can’t always predict.”
Travis recommends LIFT to every member of MCAAP’s workforce. The program has positively impacted her career.
“I think that bringing together personnel that represented different directorates within MCAAP helps to fill some of the gaps that we deal with daily,” Travis said. “It provides contacts throughout the installation for future concerns.”
MCAAP’s mission is to produce, receive, store, ship, renovate, and demilitarize conventional ammunition. The installation, which is a subordinate of the Joint Munitions Command, provides Centralized Ammunition Management for training ammunition and contingency stocks for Army units in the southwest region of the United States.
“For MCAAP to support the Joint Warfighter at the level we have in the past and to remain one of the top employers in our area, we must continually train and empower our workforce. Identifying and growing our ‘future leader’s bench’ through the programs like LIFT helps us achieve both objectives,” Byrd said.
For more information on the LIFT program, MCAAP employees should speak with their supervisors.
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