U.S. Army Yuma Proving Ground’s (YPG) 2024 Transformation Challenge winners were announced on March 5, 2024.
Wellness Officer Michele Dominguez said, “all transformations big and small were awesome.”
The YPG Wellness Program, with the help of the Garison Wellness Officer and the YPG Health Clinic, recorded over 100 pounds and 243-inch reductions on 41 people in the past two months.
The overall winners with the highest reduction of 14.89% was The Losing Team. In second was Army of One with a reduction of 9.77% and in third place was S4 with a reduction of 7.61%.
The challenge ran from Jan. 8 - Feb. 28. The YPG Wellness Program used before and after measurements to calculate which team or individual had the biggest transformation.
Read the original article about the competition here: https://www.dvidshub.net/news/461675/2024-transformation-challenge-kicks-off-ypg
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