BAUMHOLDER, Germany — “The British are coming! The British are coming!”
Almost every American knows the story of Paul Revere and his famous midnight ride to warn the colonial militia of the approach of the British forces in April, 1775. What most don’t know though, is once a year, the 44th Expeditionary Signal Battalion–Enhanced’s Bravo Company yells a similar cry when soldiers from the 30th Signal Regiment, Queen’s Gurkha’s Signals arrive to Baumholder, Germany, for an exercise known as Stoney Run.
The 44th ESB-E’s Bravo Company and the Queens Gurkha’s Signals have participated in exercise Stoney Run for more than decade. The COVID-19 pandemic forced the exercise into a short hiatus; however, the exercise was restarted in 2023.
This year, the exercise took place from Jan. 29 to Feb. 2, 2024. 29.
The exercise traditionally focuses on interoperability of the signal equipment, soldier skills and cultural exchange. Nevertheless, individual training events vary year to year.
This year, the first day of training focused on soldiering skills. Comprised of basic infantry drills, vehicle recovery training, and basic rifle marksmanship, the training event incorporated the engagement skills trainer, and a joint PT session.
The second day of training focused on each unit demonstrating their processing in configuring a command post in a field environment. The Soldiers compared generators, set up and tear down times, and overall organization of their sites.
In the afternoon, all participants participated in chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear defense training. The Soldiers donned their Joint Service Lightweight Integrated Suit Technology gear and masks before demonstrating decontamination procedures.
The day culminated with Soldiers testing their equipment insides an actual gas chamber. The experience was a first for some of the British soldiers.
Signal Operations highlighted the third day of training. The teams conducted a tactical movement to the training area and configured their signal equipment. The British demonstrated their lower TI and HF equipment. The event allowed the soldiers to concentrate on the interoperability of the radios, resulting in the two units successfully communicating over HF radio.
The Stoney Run exercise isn’t simply about interoperability and equipment training. Culture plays an important role in enhancing partnerships.
The two units used the fourth day of the exercise to focus on cultural exchange, beginning with a 5.2-mile hike on the Barenbachpfad trail in Baumholder, where the group demonstrated unique survival skills. The Gurkhas demonstrated how they assist an injured hiker on a slope, and how their quick survival tent works. The hike provided the soldiers with opportunities to talk and exchange ideas and experiences.
Each group gave cultural presentations.
Bravo Company’s presentation focused on diversity and how the U.S. Army integrates people from many different cultures and molds them into an Army culture focused on defending the Nation.
The Gurkhas presentation highlighted how the Queens Gurkha’s Signals Regiment is unique within the British Army, including cultural aspects from their home in Nepal. The Gurkhas performed some of their cultural dances and delighted their U.S. friends’ taste buds with various types of curry.
The sports competition concluded the exercise with units competing in volleyball, basketball, indoor soccer, and tug of war.
Bravo Company put on a good show, but the Gurkhas came ready to win! Inspired by the presence of their regimental commander, Lt. Col. Jon Kerry, the Gurkhas won three of the four events, and claimed the coveted Lightening Trophy.
Exercise Stoney Run provides U.S. Soldiers with the opportunity to meet, interact, and learn from NATO Allies. The exercise exhibited 44th ESB-E and Queen’s Gurkha’s Signals dedication to continued collaboration and our enduring relationship. The successful equipment integration achieved between the units enhances each units’ ability to link NATO signal assets.
Stoney Run 2024 may have ended, but rest assured, Bravo Company and the 44th ESB-E are looking forward to 2025 and announcing — “The British are coming! The British are coming!”
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