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BCSC's volunteer efforts enhance quality of life for Baumholder Military Community

By Linda Lambiotte, USAG Rheinland-Pfalz Public AffairsFebruary 23, 2024

BCSC's volunteer efforts enhance quality of life for Baumholder Military Community
1 / 4 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Baumholder Community Spouses Club board members gather for a photo by the Baumholder Thift Store, Feb. 25.
Bottom row, from left: Belle Knight, Laura Phillips; top row, from left: Liberty Joy Fejeran, Maria Vallet, Alie Campos. Missing board members: Katie McCormick, Taylor Murphy, Holly Jackson, Mariam Cudello, Ashlee Rodriguez, Meryl Hbarski

(Photo Credit: Courtesy photo)
BCSC's volunteer efforts enhance quality of life for Baumholder Military Community
2 / 4 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Annmarie Rydberg, Baumholder thrift store manager, has been volunteering at the store since March 2021 and was selected as store manager in April 2022. She said that the merchandise found in the store is made up of items exclusively donated by community members. “If you ever are in Baumholder, we would love for you all to stop by,” she said. “You never know what amazing gently used treasures you may find here." (Photo Credit: Courtesy photo) VIEW ORIGINAL
Baumholder Community Spouses' Club volunteer efforts enhance quality of life for Baumholder Military Community
3 / 4 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Established in 1984, the Baumholder Thrift Store operates as a non-profit community service run by the Baumholder Community Spouses' Club, whose top priority is to help the Baumholder Military Community members meet their needs. (Photo courtesy of Annmarie Rydberg) (Photo Credit: Courtesy) VIEW ORIGINAL
Baumholder Community Spouses' Club volunteer efforts enhance quality of life for Baumholder Military Community
4 / 4 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Established in 1984, the Baumholder Thrift Store operates as a non-profit community service run by the Baumholder Community Spouses' Club, whose top priority is to help the Baumholder Military Community members meet their needs. (Photo courtesy of Annmarie Rydberg) (Photo Credit: Courtesy) VIEW ORIGINAL

BAUMHOLDER, Germany – The Baumholder Community Spouses' Club (BCSC) achieved its goal of giving back to the community in 2023 by awarding over $41,000 in scholarships and grants to various students and local organizations. These funds were made possible by the profits generated by the Baumholder Thrift Store.

Established in 1984, the thrift store operates as a non-profit community service run by the BCSC, whose top priority is to help the Baumholder Military Community (BMC) members meet their needs.

“We have an amazing community here and have great support from them. Most days we can get as many as 30 to 40 people or more through the store, but we are trying to reach as many as possible,” said Annmarie Rydberg, thrift store manager.

Rydberg has been volunteering at the store since March 2021 and was selected as store manager in April 2022. She said that the merchandise found in the store is made up of items exclusively donated by community members.

“We even have people drive from other posts in the Kaiserslautern Military Community (KMC) area to donate,” she said. “People can donate in two different ways – either by stopping in during regular store hours, or by leaving donations in our two unlocked containers on the left side of the building’s parking lot after hours.”

According to Rydberg, all proceeds from the BCSC thrift store are used for grants, scholarships, and other projects throughout the community.

“The BCSC thrift store is a great place for people to volunteer their time and have an opportunity to help others, give back to the community, and make social connections,” said Liberty Fejeran, BCSC’s president.

She said that the club is always looking for volunteers. Anyone who is interested can reach out to BCSC through their Facebook page or by requesting an Army Community Services packet at the thrift store.

Fejeran also said that Baumholder thrift store plays a crucial role in helping families new to the area.

“When new families arrive to Baumholder, they are often in need of basic items such as bedding, kitchen items, or clothing - the thrift shop provides a low-cost method for them to acquire needed or wanted items they would usually buy for higher prices somewhere else,” she said.

By turning donations into resources that can directly benefit those in need, the thrift shop contributes to a cycle of generosity and support that can have a profound impact on the community as a whole and is fully supported by Baumholder leadership.

“Our Baumholder Community Spouses Club Thrift Shop cultivates unity, resourcefulness, and supports our service members and their families – turning the simple act of giving and receiving into a powerful force for positive change,” said Col. Matthew Alexander, 16th Sustainment Brigade commander.

According to Fejeran, six students were awarded $30,000 in scholarships in the Spring of 2023. The remaining funds were distributed to programs such as the Angel Tree and Community Good Works or were used for welfare grants to organizations like Baumholder Middle High School National Honor Society, K9s for Veterans Abroad, and others.

“The BSCS always finds ways to help out the community,” she added.

To be considered for grants and/or scholarships, organizations must be non-profit and must benefit the Baumholder Military Community. They also must fill out a new request form every year.

“The same organization cannot be chosen for two years in a row,” said Fejeran. “The ones who received a donation last year will have to wait until next year to be considered again. Also, one of the requirements to be selected is to have an active membership through BCSC.”

The annual $20 membership opens opportunities for members to be considered for emergency grants – monetary donations that are awarded in occasion of special/emergency circumstances to active BCSC members, she said.

The Baumholder thrift shop serves a dual purpose. Not only does it provide community members with affordable shopping options, but it also contributes to the well-being of the community through goodwill work.

“These goodwill efforts can take various forms, such as supporting our schools, contributing to community events, helping those in need, or funding projects that enhance the overall quality of life on Baumholder,” said Fejeran. “By reinvesting the proceeds into the community, the thrift shop proves it is a valuable asset in community development and support.”

“Some of the projects we have worked on lately include the BSCS benches, located in front of the Thrift Shop, Cleanup Day at the dog park, and feeding the military police,” said Rydberg. “One of our future projects involves helping with the City of Baumholder cleanup for German Environmental Day on March 16.”

Rydberg would like to extend an invitation to everyone to go check out the thrift store.

“If you ever are in Baumholder, we would love for you all to stop by,” she said. “You never know what amazing gently used treasures you may find here. We love our community and appreciate the continued support they show us. We are hoping to continue to grow and be around for many years to come,” Rydberg said.

The Baumholder Community Spouses' Club mission is to support and empower the Baumholder Military Community through service to others. For more information visit: Baumholder Community Spouses' Club (