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Fort Riley civilians graduate from Flint Hills Regional Leadership Program

By Jennifer JamesFebruary 23, 2024

Fort Riley civilians graduate from Flint Hills Regional Leadership Program
FORT RILEY, Kan. - Six civilian employees from U.S. Army Garrison Fort Riley graduate as members of the Flint Hills Regional Leadership Program class of 2023-2024. The graduates pictured left to right are, first row: Melissa McClure, Garrison Operations Specialist; Jennifer "JJ" James, Public Affairs Specialist; second row: Jerry Kellum, Program Analyst; Jackie Jones, Security Manager; Vanessa Eymann, Leader and Workforce Development Specialist; Jason Hasby, Mobilization Plans and Operations Specialist. (U.S Amy Photo by Kirk Hutchinson, Fort Riley Public Affairs Office) (Photo Credit: Kirk Hutchinson) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT RILEY, Kan. - Six civilian employees from U.S. Army Garrison Fort Riley graduated from the Flint Hills Regional Leadership Program Feb. 1.

Each year participants are selected by the FHRLP Board of Directors from dozens of applicants who live and work throughout the Flint Hills region. The six chosen from Fort Riley joined 15 other professionals from Geary, Riley, Pottawatomie and Wabaunsee counties to make up the Flint Hills Regional Leadership Program Class of 2023-2024.

“The class members selected represent the success of collaborations, cooperation, bipartisanship, service, partnerships, commitment, teamwork, tenacity, and perseverance," said Executive Director Jack Lindquist. “Teamwork makes the dream work!”

The program takes emerging leaders through a series of sessions that enhance team building, mediation, and collaboration allowing participants to develop leadership skills necessary in the 21st century. Training included building awareness of regional strengths and resources, networking between persons from all parts of the region, and gaining a broad-based understanding of needs and resource management and how communities meet those needs.

Sessions included a visit to the state capital to shadow state legislators, visiting area communities and learning from community and local business leaders about community growth, economic development, entrepreneurship, agriculture and beef production, prairie utilization and preservation, and more.

“I felt that the program was an excellent opportunity to discover the impact that each community has on all the surrounding communities, both at the macro (city/county/state government) and micro (small business) levels,” said 2023-2024 graduate Jackie Jones, Security Manager for Fort Riley’s Department of Plans, Training, Mobilization and Security. “We were able to see first-hand the symbiotic relationships that have formed and provide our own input into strengthening those relationships moving forward.”

One session included a visit to Fort Riley, where the six class members from the post showed colleagues what day-to-day military operations are like on the installation. The group attended the annual German and Italian remembrance ceremony, visited a motor pool where they explored armored vehicles and talked to the Soldiers who man them, experienced flight simulators and engagement skills training (shooting weapons) and other activities. The class toured military quarters and learned about residences on the installation. They explored Fort Riley history at the 1st Infantry Division and U.S. Cavalry Museums and visited the Commanding General’s Mounted Color Guard stables. Col. Michael Foote, U.S. Army Garrison Fort Riley Commander and Garrison Command Sgt. Maj. Jason Poulin addressed the group and explained Fort Riley’s economic impact on the region and the relationship between the military post and the surrounding communities.

Steve Milton, Fort Riley Chief of Housing, Class of 2011-2012 and permanent founding member of the Board of Directors for Geary County said, “The FHRLP sets the foundation for servant leadership in our Flint Hills region. As a graduate the program has opened doors to new professional relationships as well as given me the opportunity to experience the surrounding communities and all they have to offer in new ways”.

Fort Riley Leader and Workforce Development Specialist and FHRLP class of 2023-2024 graduate Vanessa Eymann said, "What amazed me the most about this program was our exposure to our neighboring rural communities. Prior to my participation in the FHRLP I had no understanding of what sustained these communities. It was truly inspiring to meet local leaders and realize that it often takes just a few individuals with a shared vision to drive the changes that lead to quality-of-life improvements in our communities.”

Graduates of the 2023-2024 class include Vanessa Eymann, Leader and Workforce Development Specialist; Jason Hasby, Mobilization Plans and Operations Specialist; Jennifer "JJ" James, Public Affairs Specialist; Jackie Jones, Security Manager; Jerry Kellum, Program Analyst and Melissa McClure, Garrison Operations Specialist. Since the first class in 1993, 116 Fort Riley professionals have completed this program. For more information, contact Fort Riley Leader and Workforce Development at 785-239-2205.