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PKSOI Celebrates Three Decades of Service

By LTC Chris NohleFebruary 1, 2024

1 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption – U.S. Army Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute (PKSOI) celebrated 30 years of service to our Army, Joint Force, and the Nation. Born of necessity but matured as an agent of change, PKSOI continues to drive advancements in peacekeeping and stability operations, expand thought, and seek out opportunities for lasting contributions to the global good. (Photo Credit: Michael White) VIEW ORIGINAL
Resiliency word map exercise done as part of the 2023 PKSOI Resiliency Summit.
2 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Resiliency word map exercise done as part of the 2023 PKSOI Resiliency Summit. (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

The U.S. Army recurrently stands at the precipice of change, either as a proponent for or unwitting participant in dynamic shifts to our way of war, national strategies, and cultural norms. As 2023 came to an end, the U.S. Army Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute (PKSOI) celebrated 30 years of service to our Army, Joint Force, and the Nation. Born of necessity but matured as an agent of change, PKSOI continues to drive advancements in peacekeeping and stability operations, expand thought, and seek out opportunities for lasting contributions to the global good.

On the heels of the Cold War, spurred on by the humanitarian crises in Somalia and the Balkans, the Peacekeeping Institute (PKI) was established in 1993 and served as a response to the evolution of conflict, the necessity for “military operations other than war”, and the need for doctrine to help deliver a better peace. Even though the nation had become acutely aware of the far-reaching socio-economic impacts of instability and conflict around the world, leaders remained apprehensive to employ the military in such irregular means. This left the day’s demand insufficiently studied and rebuffed, until 32nd Chief of Staff of the Army (CSA) Gen. Gordon Sullivan’s foresight delivered an organization oriented on the expanding threats of the 21st century.

PKI was positioned within the Center for Strategic Leadership at the U.S. Army War College to respond to this new post-Cold War environment, addressing strategic and operational peacekeeping issues for the Army to achieve national objectives. Following the 9-11 terror attacks, the 35th CSA Gen. Peter Schoomaker expanded the institutes mission, adding proponency for stabilization in 2005 and renaming it the Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute (PKSOI).

PKSOI centralized expertise, developed doctrine, facilitated strategic after-action reviews, educated leaders, and fostered interagency, intergovernmental, and multinational relationships. The Institute charged into turbulent waters of the unknown with sound purpose – to continually prepare for and deliver balanced analysis, actionable guidance, and practical resources for military practitioners engaged in complex peace and stability operations.

As the international security environment has evolved, so has the Institute. PKSOI now serves as the U.S. Joint Proponent for stabilization and peace operations, a NATO Partnership Training and Education Center (PTEC), and the U.S. Army’s office of primary responsibility to implement DoD’s Women, Peace, and Security program. Additionally, working closely with the Department of State and OSD-Policy, PKSOI is the only DoD organization focused on improving the United Nations’ peacekeeping enterprise through development of UN doctrine, standards, and training materials. PKSOI now produces, develops, and delivers strategic and conceptual frameworks, Joint and Allied doctrine, multi-modal education, and expansive exercise support to Combatant Commanders – all to ensure a common framework and comprehensive understanding of these critical operations.

Currently organized under the U.S. Army’s Training and Doctrine Command, Combined Arms Center, PKSOI analysts realize that they must continue to evolve their operational acumen, and most importantly their thinking, to make meaningful investments across the competition continuum. PKSOI remains responsive to the needs of the U.S. Army and Joint force, continually improving programs, incorporating lessons learned and adapting to changing global dynamics to help secure a better and more resilient peace for generations to come.

As PKSOI celebrates its 30th anniversary, it’s ever cognizant of its original charter and the continued exponential growth in contemporary challenges; PKSOI remains an economy of force effort in an era of strategic competition, dedicated and agile, ready to meet the intensifying necessity and complexity of worldwide peace and stability. PKSOI is a resource for practitioners, and it’s ready and willing make the investments today to secure a lasting peace tomorrow.