FORT BLISS, Texas – Sgt. Maj. Ernesto Bryce, Combined Arms Support Command’s G-3/5/7 sergeant major, unveiled the Sustainment Leaders Rucksack to more than 100 senior sustainment students during Branch Week at the Noncommissioned Officer Leadership Center of Excellence Jan. 30, here.
The SLR is a significant technological advancement that allows sustainment professionals to access, gather, and understand sustainment initiatives and priorities surrounded by the Army Chief of Staff’s four focus areas: Warfighting, Delivering Combat Ready Formations, Continuous Transformation, and Strengthening the Profession.
Through the use of SharePoint, which is CAC card enabled, senior sustainment noncommissioned officers are provided with the tools they need to stay informed. The SLR is more than just a technological solution; it represents a paradigm shift in how the Army approaches information management and how the sustainer collects said information.
“What sets the SLR website apart is its near real-time information that empowers content owners to manage and update their SharePoint sites,” said Command Sgt. Maj. Jason E. Decker, former regimental command sergeant major of the U.S. Ordinance School. “The SLR ensures that the most current information is always available to those who need it. The content owners can then utilize power business intelligence to synthesize data into useful information that the SLR makes available to senior sustainment leaders across the Army.”
During Branch Week, Bryce walked the sustainment students through the SLR website and encouraged the senior sustainment NCOs to request SharePoint access so they would have the most up-to-date information on sustainment operations, initiatives, and priorities.
“As we all know the Army is undergoing a technological transformation, especially after operations in Iraq and Afghanistan,” said Bryce. “We want to keep pace with the needs of the Army’s mission while providing the most trusted confident sustainment NCOs that support large-scale combat and multi-domain operations. “The SLR gives us the ability to stay ahead by providing one centralized hub to share information and collaborate across the sustainment community.
The SLR serves as an information repository for nominative command sergeants major and senior sustainment leaders to communicate and collaborate more effectively. By enabling and arming senior leaders with detailed information, it fosters cohesive teams, and a sense of community through a unified approach to information management.
“The SLR serves as a conduit of communication for the sustainment community, brings prevalent topics, initiatives, and priorities to the forefront, and allows senior sustainers to share information down to the lowest level,” said Command Sgt. Major Jimmy Sellers, Army Materiel Command’s command sergeant major. “The SLR allows senior nominative sergeants major and sergeants major to communicate, collaborate and coordinate sustainment planning and execution through shared understanding.”
The SLR plays an indispensable role in the continuous learning, mentorship, and development of NCOs throughout the Army's Sustainment community. This platform provides a plethora of resources and information that is tailored to professional growth and allows and enables sustainers with the knowledge and skills necessary for their challenging roles.
“The SLR develops and enhances the skills of sustainment leaders by provide up to date information, expanding shared understanding for the entire sustainment enterprise,” said Sellers.
The SLR provides sustainment information on all four focus areas, including talent management, mentorship, the Sustainment NCO Initiative Guide, food service and transformative initiatives, Sustainment NCO Townhall information, the Sustainment Leaders Summitt, and current multimedia publications, such as articles and the Sustainment Times.
“The SLR has a lot of vital tools needed as we transition into our roles as sergeants major,” Master Sgt. Larry Morgan, automated logistical specialist and student. “It enables shared understanding that allows us to make networks and connections with other sustainment sergeants major.”
The SLR also includes interactive chats, forums, SITREPs, and upcoming events to promote shared understanding across the sustainment community.
“As technology evolves, it is crucial that we manage and utilize information technology to enable sustainment operations,” said Sellers. “The SLR platform sets the foundation as a hub for collective information. This initiative is an enormous step to accumulate sustainment resources, and information, and brings senior sustainment leaders together in one place.”
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