NAPLES, Italy – Seven U.S. service members assigned to NATO units in Naples participated in the Rugby Ceccano Winter Cup 2023 on Dec. 16 at Campo Da Rugby Vespasiani in Ceccano.
The five teams that competed were Joint Force Command Naples Rugby Club - JFC Lions (the heroes of our story), Old Rugby Ceccano (the host team), Aprilia-Lanuvio-Ostia-Terracina Rugby Franchise, Ruderi Rugby Roma, and the Old Rugby Clan Santa Maria Capua Vetere.
The seven U.S. service members play on the JFC Lions team with other service members from NATO nations assigned to the Joint Force Command Naples.
The NATO team had a 1-1-1 record at the end of three games to place 2nd in the event.
“This rugby club here was established by the British community several years ago and has since recruited players from all nations from the international community on JFC Naples,” said U.S. Army Master Sgt. Phillip Heavrin, who works as an organized crime analyst for JFC Naples. “I arrived here in December 2022 with zero rugby experience whatsoever.
“I became involved after I saw a flyer about rugby training in the JFC HQ building while walking around my first couple of weeks here in the command. Having played many years of tackle football and flag football, I figured some of my skills could be transferrable and that it would be a relatively easy transition to the new sport.
“Learning the sport has been an extremely rewarding opportunity and has challenged me as an athlete and teammate. It has definitely been more difficult to learn than I expected, but I have truly enjoyed the process,” said Heavrin.”
Heavrin said the team has a well-rounded group of players and their level of fitness is much higher than most of the teams they face.
“We have great player-coaches who really stress the development of important techniques and tactics during training sessions that help us take it to the next level during our matches,” said Heavrin. “I think the bonds that we share as a team extend beyond the playing field, and we are really more like an international family than a sports club.”
“That shared thought process undoubtedly contributes to our success by ensuring that we maintain a team first mentality,” he said.
Heavrin added that participating in tournaments and matches with local Italian teams gives them the opportunity to create long-lasting friendships with people from other nations that are much stronger than the average relationships created working in a joint military environment.
“When you have a large participation from personnel within the organization, it helps to build cohesion, in and out of the workplace,” said Heavrin. “It also provides us with a chance to spend valuable time with our subordinates, peers, and leaders that won’t happen in an office environment.
“Additionally, it provides me with an opportunity to truly challenge myself, both physically and mentally, and gives me a chance to compete and win against fierce competitors.
“In my opinion, competition breeds excellence, and this is just another opportunity for us to succeed.”
Heavrin, who will transfer to the HHC Allied Forces South Battalion first sergeant position in the summer, said he plans to continue to try to recruit players from within AFSouth Bn. to be a part of the JFC Naples Rugby Club.
“All in all, I am thoroughly pleased and proud to be a part of the team,” said Heavrin. “I have learned a lot about rugby over the last year from my teammates, and I am always excited to support the team in whatever capacity I can.
“While there is no doubt that we have a formidable team that can stand toe to toe with any team we face, it is imperative that we continue to develop our skills and keep putting in the work required to increase our productivity in future events,” he said.
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