New Year, new me. You’ve heard the saying. In 2024, Yuma Proving Ground’s (YPG) Wellness Program is challenging employees to say, New Year, new healthier me.
YPG Wellness Program coordinator Michele Dominguez announced the Transformation Challenge competition Jan. 4 via email giving three times and locations, between Jan. 8 and 10, for employees to show up for their baseline measurements.
Employees lined up outside the large conference room in the AOC on the Kofa Cantonment, the Sanchez Room in the ROC and at the Health Clinic on Main Post to have their weight and body measurements taken by patient administration officers from the YPG Health Clinic. During that time the clinic also offered flu shots.
In total six teams signed up and one individual, totaling nearly 40 employees.
With team names like, The Losing Team, Army of One, Maintenance Machine, The Ice Cream Dream Team, and Team Biscuit there’s no telling how competitive the teams will get.
Members of the Ice Cream Dream Team were first in line at Kofa on day one of signups. Rafael Padilla who works out regularity hopes the challenge motivates his co-workers to “change their lifestyle” and lose weight the right way. Their Chief in the Systems Test Branch, John Bacon joined the team. “It’s great motivation,” he said of the commandwide challenge.
The Instrumentation Division’s Shawn Sonnentag who is the team organizer for Team Biscuit echoed the feeling.
“If you have friends doing it along with you, you can encourage each other.” His team is made up of seven co-workers.
Signups closed Jan. 10 and the competition ends Feb. 28. The Wellness Program will use the before and after measurements to calculate which team or individual had the biggest transformation.
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