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Trusted Traveler Program returns to JBM-HH

By Denise CaskeyDecember 20, 2023

Traffic backup
Traffic builds out of Hatfield Gate and into Arlington's south 2nd street as early morning traffic causes delays at the Fort Myer portion of Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall, Feb. 11, 2015. JBM-HH reimplemented the Trusted Traveler Program on Dec. 15, 2023, to help mitigate such traffic snarls for travelers coming onto the joint base. (Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall PAO photo by Damien Salas) (Photo Credit: Damien Salas) VIEW ORIGINAL

JOINT BASE MYER-HENDERSON HALL, Va. – Travelers can expect less congestion at the gates on Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall since the Trusted Traveler Program was reimplemented Dec. 15.

The TTP allows a trusted traveler to vouch for up to eight occupants in their vehicle. The program is designed to mitigate traffic and street congestion by expediting access to JBM-HH for service members and their family members, Department of Defense civilian employees, retired service members and their spouses, as well as their guests.

It will take time to iron out the kinks though, said Tracie Miller, chief of Physical Security, Directorate of Emergency Services, so people shouldn’t expect to see a noticeable difference right away.

“Initially it may seem like they're waiting a little bit longer, maybe 15 to 20 seconds, because there are probably going to be some questions that will come up at the ID point, but it will eventually flatten out,” Miller said. “Once people get used to it, including our staff, it’s going to go much faster because you’re not going to have that backup while they're trying to get people to the Visitor Control Center, particularly when we're providing access for funerals.”

To access JBM-HH, the trusted traveler will present the gate guard with their DOD ID and tell the guard they are “vouching for the individuals in the vehicle under the Trusted Traveler Program” – the key phrase Miller said trusted travelers need to know. Then, the guard will check the IDs of everyone 18 and older in the vehicle. If there are no issues, the gate guard can send them through.

With the reimplementation of the TTP, most people traveling with DOD ID cardholders will be able to save time by skipping the VCC and going directly to their destination.

A trusted traveler cannot vouch for foreign nationals or individuals entering the joint base in a commercial capacity, such as babysitters or Uber drivers. Those individuals must go through the normal process at the VCC for access to the joint base.

Miller also said until further notice, the residents’ Trusted Traveler Program, which uses a window hang tag to identify residents on JBM-HH, will also remain in effect.

What trusted travelers need to know:

• A trusted traveler is a person in the vehicle – it doesn’t have to be the driver – who is 18 or older with valid DOD ID. Government contractors and retired DOD civilian employees are not eligible for trusted traveler status.

• Access under the TTP includes a 100% ID check, so all individuals 18 and older must have a valid state-issued form of identification.

• The trusted traveler must always maintain 100% control of their guests while they are on the joint base.

• Access Control Points where the TTP can be used are Hatfield, Henderson Hall and Wright gates on the Myer and Henderson Hall campuses, and the Main Gate and Ceremonial Gate, in certain instances, on the McNair campus.

• Questions or issues at the gate may be discussed with the watch commander on duty.

• Abuse of the TTP could result in the loss of trusted traveler status and possible administrative and disciplinary action.

• The TTP will remain in effect as long as the joint base remains at Bravo levels or lower for HPCON and FPCON. However, should the HPCON or FPCON level raise to Charlie or Delta, the TTP will be discontinued.

• The TTP is a local program. Other military installations and government buildings may have different rules, and JBM-HH does not honor the rules of others.

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