SEMBACH, Germany – The U.S. Army NATO G4 section used a novel approach for training Soldiers assigned to the unit’s headquarters company about the Army’s Command Supply Discipline Program.
The format for the training was based on the popular game show, Jeopardy!, where contestants respond to clues with answers in the form of a question.
Approximately 20 Soldiers participated in the training Nov. 30 at the U.S. Army NATO headquarters in Sembach, Germany.
The U.S. Army NATO Headquarters and Headquarter Company, led by Capt. Ana Hill and 1st Sgt. Cory Jones, organize weekly training opportunities to “accomplish the brigade commander’s training guidance,” said Jones. “We identify gaps and develop solutions to close the gap. This training was identified to reinforce our core competencies.”
“We receive the Army’s training requirements and the brigade’s training requirements, and we nest them together which requires we do training on a weekly basis,” said Jones. “These weekly training requirements are the bedrock for ensuring our ability to fight and win or Nation’s wars, and more specifically to fulfill our commitment to provide trained and ready Soldiers in support of the NATO mission.”
Sgt. 1st Class Jean Ady and Staff Sgt. Desiree Bruton, both from U.S. Army NATO G4, provided instruction for the training.
“The purpose of our Supply Jeopardy! training was to teach the Soldiers about Command Supply Discipline responsibilities and procedures,” said Ady.
“This was mandatory training,” said Ady, “but we wanted to make it fun. This format was much more interactive and encouraged everyone to greater participation especially because the Soldiers are so competitive.”
“Everyone knew a lot more than I expected,” he said. “For example, they already knew what a FLIPL (Financial Liability Investigation of Property Loss) was, but they did not know all the details. In the Jeopardy! format, we were able to provide them those extra details while keeping the training fun.”
For more information about U.S. Army NATO go to the website at www.usanato.army.mil.
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