INSCOM welcomes new Command Chief Warrant Officer

By Jordan PearsonDecember 1, 2023

INSCOM Command Chief Warrant Officer Change of Responsibility
Chief Warrant Officer 5 Jeremy Sager, command chief warrant officer, U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) delivers his remarks during a change of responsibility ceremony held on Fort Belvoir, Va. on Nov. 20. (Photo Credit: Connor Kelly) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT BELVOIR, Va. – The U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) welcomed its fifth Command Chief Warrant Officer (CCWO) during a Change of Responsibility Ceremony at the Nolan Building, Nov. 20, 2023.

Chief Warrant Officer 5 Jonathan Irby relinquished responsibility to Chief Warrant Officer 5 Jeremy Sager, with Maj. Gen. Michele Bredenkamp, INSCOM commanding general, presiding over the ceremony.

Bredenkamp thanked distinguished visitors, Soldiers, Army Civilians, contractors, Irby and Sager families, and attendees viewing virtually.

“It is critical to have technical expertise mixed with the command aspects of what we do on a day-to-day basis,” said Bredenkamp. “The CCWO primary focus is advising the commanding general, headquarters staff, and all major subordinate commands on the technical aspect of intelligence and the career development of warrant officers.”

Bredenkamp highlighted the many initiatives Irby spearheaded and assisted with throughout his tenure and reminded the audience that Irby’s impact will be evident to INSCOM for years to come.

INSCOM Command Chief Warrant Officer Change of Responsibilty
Maj. Gen. Michele H. Bredenkamp, commanding general, U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM), secures the saber from Chief Warrant Officer 5 Jonathan Irby during the INSCOM Command Chief Warrant Officer (CCWO) Change of Responsibility Ceremony, Nov. 20, 2023. (Photo Credit: Connor Kelly) VIEW ORIGINAL

“Chief Irby was able to take on many of our most complicated tasks and establish impactful initiatives that will have lasting impact for years to come,” said Bredenkamp.

Bredenkamp also welcomed Sager to the team and mentioned that his previous assignments make him the perfect person for Irby to pass the baton.

“Chief Sager has served in a myriad of key intelligence positions at every echelon in our Army and intelligence enterprise,” said Bredenkamp. “I know he is the right leader to serve as our CCWO as we move forward.”

Sager, after recently serving as the senior warrant officer advisor, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) G-3/5/7, humbly accepted his new role and thanked his family and leadership for allowing him the opportunity to serve the men and women of INSCOM.

"I am excited to see what lies ahead for INSCOM and the Army Intelligence and Security Enterprise,” said Sager. “As your Command Chief Warrant Officer, I will continually strive to make long lasting contributions to the intelligence enterprise and the Warrant Officer cohort.”

Sager said he will seek to maintain momentum on all efforts undertaken by Irby during his tenure.

INSCOM Command Chief Warrant Officer Change of Responsibility
Chief Warrant Officer 5 Jonathan Irby, outgoing command chief warrant officer, U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) delivers his remarks during a change of responsibility held at Fort Belvoir, Va. on Nov. 20. (Photo Credit: Connor Kelly) VIEW ORIGINAL

As Irby departs the command after serving two and one-half years as INSCOM’s CCWO, he reflected on his time with INSCOM.

"It was an honor to serve here in INSCOM's headquarters," said Irby. "The people of INSCOM are our strength. I've learned a ton from everyone I've met in the command. It's inspiring to see the impact you've made. Thank you for what you do every day around the globe."

Prior to the ceremony, Bredenkamp presented Irby with the Legion of Merit Award for exceptional meritorious service. Irby moves on to his next assignment as the National Security Agency/Central Security Service (NSA/CSS) representative to U.S. Indo-Pacific Command (USINDOPACOM), Camp H.M. Smith, Hawaii.

INSCOM Command Chief Warrant Officer Change of Responsibility
Maj. Gen. Michele H. Bredenkamp, commanding general, U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM), presents the Legion of Merit Medal to Chief Warrant Officer 5 Jonathan E. Irby, outgoing INSCOM command chief warrant officer. (Photo Credit: Connor Kelly) VIEW ORIGINAL

INSCOM executes mission command of operational intelligence and security forces; conducts and synchronizes worldwide multidiscipline and all-source intelligence and security operations; and delivers linguist support and intelligence-related advanced skills training, acquisition support, logistics, communications, and other specialized capabilities in support of Army, Joint, Coalition Commands, and the Intelligence Community.