Humbled by honor: BGCA’s Mullen selected as an AMC Employee of the Quarter

By Matthew Wheaton, Joint Munitions Command, Public and Congressional AffairsNovember 21, 2023

Humbled by honor: BGCA’s Mullen selected as an AMC Employee of the Quarter
Michael Mullen, an equipment specialist at the Blue Grass Chemical Activity, was chosen as an Army Materiel Command Employee of the Quarter for the third quarter, Fiscal Year 2023. (Photo Credit: BGCA) VIEW ORIGINAL

Michael Mullen has only been an equipment specialist at the Blue Grass Chemical Activity, a tenant organization on the Blue Grass Army Depot, near Richmond, Kentucky, for just over a year.

However, Mullen has displayed he’s more than capable of filling the role, and he was recently named an Army Materiel Command Employee of the Quarter for the third quarter, Fiscal Year 2023.

Mullen is among a dozen selected for the award. They will each have a placard on display in the north hallway at AMC’s headquarters in Huntsville, Alabama.

“It was a shock. Being a new employee, I didn't expect that to come around,” Mullen said of the honor. “I don't really seek recognition for what I do. I'm more of a behind-the-scenes guy that makes stuff happen, so I’m not used to being up in the front.

“I'm not used to being in the spotlight,” Mullen added. “It feels good, but at the same time it’s not usually where I’m focused.”

Prior to his time at BGCA, Mullen worked at BGAD, located southeast of Lexington and Richmond, Kentucky, for three years. He also spent 16 years active duty for the Air Force before transitioning into the Army Reserve, and he retired in January 2023 after 20 years in that capacity.

“I worked for an Area Maintenance Support Activity as a miltech (military technician) in Lexington. I did supply and maintenance administration there,” Mullen said. “You have to be Army Reserve to have that job.”

Greg Collinsworth, chief of staff for BGCA, is thrilled his employee has been honored.

“He's an outstanding employee. When we hired him, we were looking at someone that is a self-starter. He came in and immediately made an impact,” Collinsworth said. “He’s just one of the hardest chargers that you’ll see. He just continues to work. His work ethic is amazing.

“I'm proud of his accomplishments,” Collinsworth added. “He is very, very humble. He doesn't do it for himself. He does it for the organization. He's an outstanding employee and we're extremely proud of him.”

Mullen has played a vital role in the seamless functioning of logistics operations at BGCA. He has consistently acted as the logistical lead, ensuring smooth operations, even during turnover of supervision. BGCA’s logistics section is the backbone of support for the Chemical Operations Field Support Division, Personal Protective Equipment Division, and the Lab & Monitor Division.

Mullen's actions and presence have been instrumental in fostering a harmonious integration in the logistical support of BGCA.

“BGCA is two years out from a reduction in force and as we're driving forward, I've got three major lines of effort. One is focused on people; one is focused on support to agent contaminated secondary waste destruction and the final part is transition and divestiture. Mike's role has been to focus on that transition and divestiture,” said Lt. Col. Tyler McKee, BGCA’s commander. “He has been essential in getting us through the excess turn-in and reducing what our footprint looks like as a shaping operation to get us to that overall closure. He did that through the third quarter, Fiscal Year 2023 while logistics managers were changing out as well.

“He’s single mindedly gotten after it on his own,” McKee added. “I’m happy to see him get this recognition. We couldn’t set these conditions without him. He understands the vision of what it is we're trying to accomplish here, and he just gets after it.”