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Army Expeditionary Civilian Workforce deployers explain why they signed up

By Cameron Porter, 405th AFSB Public Affairs OfficerNovember 15, 2023

Army Expeditionary Civilian Workforce deployers with 405th AFSB explain why they signed up
Malissa Mello and Jessica Lawrence are two of the 405th Army Field Support Brigade’s newest Army Expeditionary Civilian Workforce program participants. Mello, who works in plans and operations, said the AECW program has provided her with a unique opportunity to serve. Lawrence, who works in logistics and supply, said the program provided her with the opportunity to develop her Army career while serving overseas. (Photo Credit: Cameron Porter) VIEW ORIGINAL

KAISERSLAUTERN, Germany – The Army Expeditionary Civilian Workforce program has deployment opportunities in a temporary duty status for six, nine, or 12 months available for Army civilians worldwide, to include many with the 405th Army Field Support Brigade in Europe.

Let’s meet a couple of the 405th AFSB’s newest AECW personnel and find out why they signed up for the program.

Malissa Mello
  • AECW position: Logistics Management Specialist, Plans and Operations, 405th AFSB
  • Permanent Organization: U.S. Army Communications-Electronics Command
  • Number of years as an Army civilian: Eight
  • Hometown: Jersey Shore, New Jersey
  • Why AECW?: I signed up for the AECW program because I was looking for a unique and broadening opportunity to serve. The AECW program has provided me with an opportunity to develop within my Army career while serving in a high OPTEMPO overseas organization supporting operations in Europe.
Jessica Lawrence
  • AECW position: Supply Management Specialist, Logistics and Supply, 405th AFSB
  • Permanent Organization: U.S. Army Tank-automotive and Armaments Command
  • Number of years as an Army civilian: Four
  • Hometown: Detroit, Michigan
  • Why AECW?: The AECW program is a great opportunity for me to broaden my experience level, and the AECW program has provided me with a chance to make a difference in support of our Soldiers stationed overseas in Europe.

“Mallisa and Jessica are two great examples of the outstanding talent we benefit from, thanks to the AECW program,” said Joseph Scheff, the director of the 405th AFSB. “These volunteer deployers are bringing a wealth of experience to the theater and serving a critical mission.”

“We welcome them and all our AECW employees. It’s my intent to ensure each and every one of our AECW deployers has a rewarding and comfortable experience while serving with us,” Scheff said.

According to the Defense Civilian Personnel Advisory Service the program provides interested personnel with extraordinary opportunities to support operations of national interest. Deployments under the program offer opportunities to work and live in foreign countries, opportunities to experience work challenges not found at their day-to-day jobs, and opportunities to make a difference working alongside Soldiers supporting America’s mission around the globe.

“Our ability to leverage the talent of the Army Expeditionary Civilian Workforce program and its broad range of occupations represented by the Army’s entire civilian workforce is instrumental in our current operational efforts across the brigade’s multiple lines of effort,” said Thomas Moore, the 405th AFSB’s AECW program manager.

Army civilians who are interested in applying for the AECW program may submit a resume, recent SF-50, DD214 (if former military) and a signed request for deployment form through their supervisory chain and human resources department. For more information, contact the AECW program office.

The 405th AFSB is assigned to U.S. Army Sustainment Command and under the operational control of the 21st Theater Sustainment Command, U.S. Army Europe and Africa. The brigade is headquartered in Kaiserslautern, Germany, and provides materiel enterprise support to U.S. Forces throughout Europe and Africa – providing theater sustainment logistics; synchronizing acquisition, logistics and technology; and leveraging U.S. Army Materiel Command’s materiel enterprise to support joint forces. For more information on the 405th AFSB, visit the official website and the official Facebook site.