October 26, 2023 - Message to the Army Team

By Sgt. Maj. of the Army Michael R. Weimer, Gen. Randy A. George and Hon. Christine E. WormuthOctober 27, 2023

October 26, 2023 - Message to the Army Team.pdf

'This We'll Defend' has been our Army's motto since the Revolutionary War. It reminds us that our purpose is timeless and clear: to fight and win our Nation's wars. When our Army hits the dirt, America means business. Our teammates don't want to fight without us, and our enemies are wise to fear us. We are not a Pacific Army or a Europe Army. We are not Brigade-centric or Division-centric. We are a global force that fights when called upon at the scale required.

To do that, we must stay grounded, and dedicate our energy in four focus areas:


We must ruthlessly prioritize time and resources towards building lethality and cohesive teams. Soldiers need to shoot, move, communicate, and be experts in their craft. They also need to bond together through tough, realistic training.

Commanders and leaders, we trust you to figure out what you should not be doing. Communicate that up so the leaders above you can underwrite risk. Let us know where you need our help.

Delivering Ready Combat Formations

We must be ready to get our formations to the fight and sustain them there. Leaders at installations will have the appropriate authorities to build readiness. Ft. Wainwright is different than Ft. Liberty; local leaders know best how to translate strategic intent into solutions at the local level.

And at the heart of our Army's readiness is people. Our warfighters and their families will have access to timely information and enabling resources. Our strength is our Soldiers and families, and we are committed to taking care of both.

Continuous Transformation

We will transform iteratively and continuously to become leaner, more mobile, lower signature and, most importantly, more lethal. We will integrate technology faster, pushing new, cost- effective technologies into our operational units as soon as they are useful. We want our tactical units to innovate, test ideas, fail fast, and adapt. The best ideas often come from the bottom up.

Strengthening the Profession

To maintain America's trust, we must serve with competence and character. Foundational to that is enforcing standards and ensuring accountability, which ensure discipline in our formations. When it comes down to a close fight in the mud, character, grit, and discipline make the difference. Additionally, we all must own our profession - share ideas, engage in debate, and learn together.

When you are downrange and you hear a call sign come over the net, a mental picture comes to mind... When the American Army comes over the net, we want our teammates to know that the best, most disciplined land force in the world has arrived. All of us contribute to that reputation.

We are proud of this team. When we are called, we will answer... and we will win. This We'll Defend!