Garrison Wiesbaden commander hosts newly formatted October town hall

By Brady GrossOctober 27, 2023

Garrison Wiesbaden commander hosts newly formatted October town hall
WIESBADEN, GERMANY -- U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Commander Col. David Mayfield opened the October 2023 town hall by introducing some changes to the town hall format and welcoming Army Community Service's new director Jan Meert. The commander shared his intent in combining a few overlapping efforts – resulting in the merging of ACS’s “Community Information Forum” and the Garrison’s “Town Hall” meeting efforts. (Army photo by Roland Schedel) (Photo Credit: Roland Schedel) VIEW ORIGINAL

WIESBADEN, Germany – The U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden hosted an in-person town hall Oct. 23, 2023, at the Clay Kaserne Fitness Center, with a supplementary livestream broadcast through MS Teams. The town hall provided an opportunity for the larger community to engage with the garrison command team directly on a variety of community topics and events.

Garrison Commander Col. David Mayfield opened this town hall iteration by introducing some changes to the town hall format. The commander shared his intent in combining a few overlapping efforts – resulting in the merging of Army Community Service’s “Community Information Forum” and the Garrison’s “Town Hall” meeting efforts. Town Hall frequency will stay the same, as a bi-monthly occurrence, but the meetings will shift to in-person at the ACS Multi-Purpose Room on Hainerberg and will now include additional information tables and resource topics for the community.

Maintaining a direct dialogue with the garrison command team will not change. Rounding out the new format, town halls will still include a full Q&A review of topics and concerns. A livestream broadcast to MS Teams will also be included.

October’s town hall included review discussions about upcoming holiday events and logistics, garrison construction updates, and local community events.

The commander provided updates about the North Clay connector road, informing the audience, that after the road is completed, the North clay access gate will be closed permanently. While the garrison will continue to work future pedestrian gate access, an install project is not expected until 2026. Col. Mayfield addressed repeated parking concerns and continued to stress that the garrison staff is doing everything they can with the limited staffing they have access to.

In response to questions about how the Garrison combats community members who violate parking signs and regulations, the commander also reiterated that the garrison gives out more tickets than any other in the theater and progress is being made with individual unit commanders.

The Wiesbaden Health Clinic Commander Lt. Col. Erica Kane, provided updates about their recent MHS Genesis system upgrades, including hiccups in the administrative progress. Kane encouraged the audience to check their accounts and visit the health clinic to provide updates if they haven’t utilized the system in the last year. Lt. Col. Kane also shared that the clinic is beginning efforts to hire new physicians but warned that the hiring process will still take time.

Col. Mayfield addressed vehicle registration operations and their current staffing struggles -- highlighting the command’s dedicated efforts in finding additional help as soon as possible.

The town hall concluded with a Q&A session that included pre-submitted questions from social media and emails, as well as in-person questions from the live audience.

Follow this link to review the recorded broadcast in full.

The full video replay and Q&A document pool can also be found on the Garrison’s website under “Garrison Town Hall Resources” on our homepage:

The next town hall is scheduled for December 2023.