Fort Cavazos hosts National Night Out

By Eric Franklin, Fort Cavazos Public AffairsOctober 26, 2023

Phoenix and Aliyah Wilcock enjoy their time inside a Fort Cavazos military police car, delighting in pushing buttons to activate the sirens during the National Night Out event Oct. 3, 2023, at Phantom Warrior Stadium. (U.S. Army photo by Eric...
Phoenix and Aliyah Wilcock enjoy their time inside a Fort Cavazos military police car, delighting in pushing buttons to activate the sirens during the National Night Out event Oct. 3, 2023, at Phantom Warrior Stadium. (U.S. Army photo by Eric Franklin, Fort Cavazos Public Affairs) (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT CAVAZOS, Texas — Cavalry Family Housing partnered with the Fort Cavazos Directorate of Emergency Services and various organizations throughout the installation to host National Night Out on Oct. 3 at Phantom Warrior Stadium here.

The event aimed to foster unity and community resilience, reaffirming Fort Cavazos’ commitment to creating a safer and more secure environment for everyone.

National Night Out, an annual event celebrated nationwide, serves as a unifying platform for communities to stand together against crime and forge connections that enhance neighborhood safety and quality of life. Fort Cavazos’ active participation reflects the installation’s profound dedication to ensuring the safety and well-being of its residents.

Leslie Cromer, a member of the Cavalry Family Housing Resident Advisory Board since 2022 and current president, emphasized the significance of events like National Night Out.

“It’s a lot of fun seeing all the communities come together,” Cromer said. “All the kids get to play, and folks get to come out have fun and meet new neighbors.”

Cromer underscored the vital role of the Resident Advisory Board in disseminating information and offering guidance to new residents.

“That’s what the Resident Advisory Board is good at, just getting information out there and letting all the residents know the different kinds of information,” Cromer explained. “It’s great that we have this for people to learn. Even if you’ve lived in many houses, you’ve never lived in these.”

The importance of local events cannot be overstated within the close-knit community of military families stationed at Fort Cavazos. These gatherings provide yet another opportunity for families to connect, unwind and create enduring memories, all without the challenges of extensive travel and associated expenses. Sgt. Kevin Castro, 3rd Cavalry Regiment, deeply appreciated this firsthand experience.

Families and organizations from across the installation fill Phantom Warrior Stadium on Oct. 3, 2023, during the National Night Out event. (U.S. Army photo by Eric Franklin, Fort Cavazos Public Affairs)
Families and organizations from across the installation fill Phantom Warrior Stadium on Oct. 3, 2023, during the National Night Out event. (U.S. Army photo by Eric Franklin, Fort Cavazos Public Affairs) (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

“It’s really important, to be honest, because it actually made us want to go out,” he said. “Maybe we see other friends outside of work or meet new people that can not only add to our lives but also allow the kids to interact.”

In military service, bonds formed under the most extraordinary circumstances often become the bedrock of support for those who wear the uniform, as Castro said.

“Being in the military presents unique challenges because we’re often far away from our hometowns and families,” Castro explained. “However, we have the opportunity to forge friendships here that can become like family.”

Events like National Night Out play a crucial role in nurturing and strengthening these bonds, offering a welcome reprieve from the rigors of military life and fostering a sense of belonging among those who share this remarkable journey.

Highlighting the significance of community engagement, Col. Lakicia Stokes, U.S. Army Garrison–Fort Cavazos commander, emphasized that these interactions underscore unwavering commitment to creating a supportive and inclusive environment for all residents.

“Witnessing the overwhelming support for our Soldiers and their families is heartening,” she said. “It serves as a powerful reminder of the strength of our community.”