JMC honors 10th group of Ammunition Hall of Fame inductees

By Matthew Wheaton, Joint Munitions Command, Public and Congressional AffairsOctober 17, 2023

JMC honors 10th group of Ammunition Hall of Fame inductees
From left to right: Col. Ronnie Anderson Jr., the commander of the Joint Munitions Command, Lisa Swanson, Rickey Peer, Cindy Lenger, and JMC’s Command Sgt. Maj., Christopher Reaves, pose for a portrait after the Ammunition Hall of Fame induction ceremony on Sept. 12. Swanson, Peer, and Lenger, along with Gen. Gustave Perna, Ret., Lt. Gen. Larry Wyche, Ret., Larry Wright, and Sgt. Maj. Clayton Merritt, Ret., were selected for the Ammo HOF’s latest class. (Photo Credit: Shawn Eldridge) VIEW ORIGINAL

The Joint Munitions Command welcomed seven honorees into its Ammunition Hall of Fame in its 10th induction ceremony on Sept. 12.

The Ammunition Hall of Fame honors professionals who have made significant and lasting contributions to the ammunition mission. All nominees must have retired or separated from the ammunition community at least two years prior to consideration. The program focuses on the enduring impacts of each individual’s efforts regardless of their title or rank.

Col. Ronnie Anderson Jr., JMC’s commander, led the ceremony. He praised the efforts of those who have paved the path towards change, modernization, and transformation required to supply ammunition.

“The accomplishments of today’s inductees were crucial to making the ammunition enterprise successful and ready for the future,” Anderson said. “As many of you know, the challenge to modernize our capabilities, technology, and business processes continues to further our mission to provide ammunition. It is individuals like you who have shown us the effort and innovation required to meet the supply and demand needs of our warfighters and allies.”

The Ammunition HOF was established in 2011, under the command of Gen. Gustave Perna, Ret., who is one of the seven new members selected for induction this year.

Perna is recognized for his overarching leadership of the ammunition industrial base as Army Materiel Command’s Commanding General, and for his execution of the mission during Operation Iraqi Freedom, while serving as Commanding General of JMC.

“I remember our first ceremony led by Gen. Perna when we unveiled the first Ammunition Hall of Fame display with the first set of inductees, and I’m proud to see the program induct it’s 66th member this year,” said Keri Pleasant, JMC historian and administrator of the Ammunition HOF. “Each year’s inductees have been proud to continue on their legacy within the program.”

Another former JMC Commanding General, Lt. Gen. Larry Wyche, Ret., was also inducted for his accomplishments to modernize production and energy projects to enhance munitions readiness. Under his command, he executed $74 million in American Resource Recovery Act projects and ensured implementation of the Logistics Modernization Program while executing wartime support.

Mr. Larry Wright was inducted for contributions over 37 years of service during critical periods of war and transition at Pine Bluff Arsenal, Arkansas. Through his efforts, the Arsenal finished the storage, destruction, and closure of the chemical weapons demilitarization mission in 2010. In 2015, his foresight brought the chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear textile manufacturing mission to the Arsenal.

Ms. Lisa Swanson was inducted for her 34 years of service where she rose from data clerk to Director of Munitions Readiness at JMC. Her enthusiasm and positive leadership guided the Army and command, while she tackled the challenge to improve and automate reporting measurements for munitions readiness with the creation of the Munitions Readiness Report. The report was leveraged to the highest levels of the Army for critical decision-making.

Ms. Cindy Lenger was inducted for her 32 years of service, as she impacted the management and distribution of munitions for the Army and Joint Services. Performing materiel management operations at JMC, she applied critical changes across the logistics spectrum to include acquisition, production, inventory management, stock control, and transportation. She spearheaded the Central Ammunition Management program to revolutionize ammunition distribution by assessing training, test, and mobilization requirements against stocks on hand and reduced delivery time with a 99% success rate.

Mr. Rickey Peer was inducted for his 38 years of federal service, where he managed demilitarization to decrease excess and obsolete munitions, and reduced storage inefficiencies and inspection costs for the Army. He established the Project Management Office for Ammo Depot Automation issues to respond to depot initiatives to reduce the cost of ownership. He leveraged Automatic Identification Technologies efficiencies from wholesale level to retail level activities. He also established and led the Minority College Relations Program to increase workplace diversity.

And finally, Sgt. Maj. Clayton Merritt, Ret., was recognized as the first ammunition sergeant major in special operations who coordinated worldwide operational ammunition support and developed future contingency operations. He assisted national-level ammunition operations by developing a web-based Ordnance Management System for accountability and real-time worldwide asset visibility. His partnership within the enterprise resulted in the first automated spent brass sorter.

“Collectively, your efforts advanced munitions development, modernized the industrial base, and changed the business operations required to execute our mission,” Anderson said to the new inductees. “You delivered munitions support in the most critical times of war and aided in bringing new items and capabilities to fruition to advance lethality on the battlefield.”