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Fort Novosel stands united against domestic violence

By Brittany Trumbull, Fort Novosel Public Affairs OfficeOctober 5, 2023

Col. John P. Miller and Command Sgt. Maj. Christopher T. Doss stand with Fort Novosel Family Advocacy Program Team agreeing to stay United Against Domestic Abuse.
1 / 3 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Col. John P. Miller and Command Sgt. Maj. Christopher T. Doss stand with Fort Novosel Family Advocacy Program Team agreeing to stay United Against Domestic Abuse. (Photo Credit: Brittany Trumbull) VIEW ORIGINAL
Col. John P. Miller and Command Sgt. Maj. Christopher T. Doss sign the 2023 Domestic Violence Awareness Proclamation on Fort Novosel.
2 / 3 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Col. John P. Miller and Command Sgt. Maj. Christopher T. Doss sign the 2023 Domestic Violence Awareness Proclamation on Fort Novosel. (Photo Credit: Brittany Trumbull) VIEW ORIGINAL
Purple awareness bags and educational materials fill the room at the LINC meeting to kick off Domestic Violence Awareness Month on Fort Novosel.
3 / 3 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Purple awareness bags and educational materials fill the room at the LINC meeting to kick off Domestic Violence Awareness Month on Fort Novosel. (Photo Credit: Brittany Trumbull) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT NOVOSEL, Ala. -- The Fort Novosel garrison commander and command sergeant major reaffirmed the post’s dedication to preventing domestic violence when they signed its Domestic Violence Awareness Month Proclamation Oct. 5.

Col. John P. Miller and Command Sgt. Maj. Christopher T. Doss began Fort Novosel’s observance of the month, which is designed to shine the light on domestic violence and inform people on what it is, how to prevent it, and how to assist those who are dealing with DV in its many forms, according to Joy McCormick, Army Community Service Family Advocacy Program manager.

“We need to be aware of our neighbors, of our friends, of the people that are in our community. Aware that if something doesn’t seem right, sometimes we need to be nosey to protect our families,” McCormick said.

Miller said that Fort Novosel is United Against Domestic Abuse, like this year’s campaign slogan states.

“Potential victims could go beyond spouses of military members,” he said, adding that domestic abuse extends across the community. “They could be those that are simply dating or intimate partners. They could be people that are living together or simply have children in common.”

“Domestic violence is not always physical.” Miller added. “According to the CDC, over 43 million women and about 38 million men experience psychological aggression by their partner in their lifetime.”

“Untreated trauma caused by domestic abuse can lead to several invisible wounds, such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, traumatic brain injury, and mental health issues such as feeling fearful or concerned for safety, depression, suicidal and homicidal thoughts.” Miller said. “This commitment does not stop at awareness but moves along a continuum from awareness of the problem to a solution.

He also spoke about the many resources available to members of the Fort Novosel community to help prevent domestic violence, and to help people when it does happen, including Military One-Source; ACS with its many programs, such as family advocacy, new parent support, and child and youth services; post chaplains; and the national (1-800-799-7233) and Fort Novosel (334-379-7947) domestic abuse hotlines.

Miller stated that one of the most important resources is each member of the Fort Novosel community as they become part of the process to stand united against domestic violence.

“This is a team effort. We leave no one behind.” he said. “We both recognize and treat the visible wounds as well as those carried inside.”


All month – Family advocacy will have awareness tables set up in the main exchange, Bldg. 5700, Lyster Army health Clinic and the Army and Air Force Exchange Service mini mall.

Fridays in October – People are encouraged to wear purple to show their support for domestic violence survivors and hope for victims.

Oct. 13 – “Couples Paint Night” family Advocacy Program and Corvias are partnering to bring you this event. Limited to 15 couples. All painting supplies provided. We will have 2 painting activities offered. Light refreshments and snacks. Please register in advance by emailing

Oct. 17-18 – “Let’s Chalk About Domestic Violence contest” Everyone is encouraged to participate. Head outside at home or at your workplace, choose a visible concrete space to create encouraging, supportive, empowering messages for survivors of domestic violence with chalk art. The Family Advocacy team with special guest will be touring Ft. Novosel to get photos and see all artists at work!

Oct. 20 – “Meet at the Bear” Please join the Family Advocacy Program and the community in taking a stand against domestic violence and supporting those who experience it by showing them they are not alone. Don’t forget to wear your purple!

Oct 28 – “Howl-o-ween Pup Costume Contest Party” Dress up your pups in their favorite costumes and join us at the Corvias Bark Park for some tricks and treats. Corvias and the Family Advocacy Program have partnered to provide this third annual free event.

For more information, please call the Family Advocacy Program at 334-255-9636/9644.