WASHINGTON — Today I was delighted to be able to swear in General Randy George as the U.S. Army’s 41st Chief of Staff following his confirmation by the Senate. General George is a battle-tested soldier and seasoned leader who has been a critically important champion for the Army as Vice Chief of Staff and as Acting Chief. Having first entered the force as an enlisted soldier 42 years ago, he understands the importance of service and leadership at every echelon. I deeply value the partnership we have already built and look forward to working with him to strengthen and transform the Army’s warfighting capabilities and sustain our all-volunteer force.
While this is a great day for the Army, I am keenly aware that hundreds of apolitical military officers still have their nominations blocked in the Senate by a blanket hold. This hold is hurting our military readiness and causing unnecessary distraction and uncertainty for these officers and their families. It is also a discouraging signal for the talented junior and field grade officers as they contemplate their future as senior Army leaders. It is time for the hold to end and for these nominees to be confirmed.
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