ARLINGTON, Va. – Representatives from all three U.S. Army Components, stakeholders and the Global Force Information Management Objective Environment (GFIM OE) team met for a fourth Program Increment planning meeting in Chantilly, Va. Aug 15-16, 2023. The event was an important milestone for GFIM OE, the Secretary of the Army’s number one Defense Business System (DBS) priority, because it defined near-term milestones in its progress through agile software development.
“We now have a data baseline,” said Lori Mongold, DAMO-SOE Division Chief and GFIM OE Capability Management Officer (CMO), speaking at the end of the two-day event. “We’ve resolved nearly all of the bug issues identified during our previous user testing, and the representatives from across the Total Army that joined us today showed up ready to move into the next phase of GFIM development.”
Upon its release, GFIM OE will integrate the critical functionality of 15 disparate, cyber-vulnerable systems into one integrated enterprise solution. “GFIM OE will be a one-stop shop for strategy, force structure, readiness, mobilization, deployment, and employment operational activities,” Ms. Mongold said. “These new capabilities will enable Army and Joint leaders with information that is visible, accessible, understandable, linked, trusted, interoperable and secure. Commanders and leaders need data that is reliable, readily available, and provides a complete picture. This system will also free up global force managers from conducting ‘swivel chair’ operations – manually moving data from one system to another or transferring it into spreadsheets. What we were looking for today was a baseline of where we are toward meeting that goal and we are leaving this planning session with a clear roadmap forward to successful delivery.”
“The Army is transforming its warfighting capabilities to become a technologically agile and digitally driven force,” said Andy St. Laurent, Deputy Division Chief. "We need to evolve at a pace faster than current and future adversaries. Agile software development, like what we've demonstrated can be done here today, and data-driven decisions are how we’ll win.”
For more information go to GFIM will also be presenting at the Army Operations Research Symposium at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md. Sept. 12-14, 2023.
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