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WAMC Chaplain receives Humanitarian Award

By Keisha FrithAugust 22, 2023

WAMC Chaplain receives Humanitarian Award
1 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Womack Army Medical Center Commander, Col. David R. Zinnante and Master Sgt. William Carlyle posed for a picture with Lt. Col. Stanislaw Jasiurkowski, Department of Ministry and Pastoral Care chief after Zinnante presented him with The Legion of Honor Humanitarian Award during the monthly awards ceremony, July 27. (DoD photo by Isaac Peterson). (Photo Credit: Isaac Peterson) VIEW ORIGINAL
WAMC Department of Ministry and Pastoral Care Bible Study
2 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Chaplain (LTC) Stan Jasiurkowski, Department of Ministry and Pastoral Care (DMPC) chief teaches midday Bible Study. Bible Study is held every Tuesday in the DMPC conference room at the Womack Army Medical Center, August 22, 2023. (Photo Credit: Keisha Frith) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT LIBERTY, N.C. --The Legion of Honor Humanitarian Award was presented to Lt. Col. Stanislaw Jasiurkowski, Womack Army Medical Center Department of Ministry and Pastoral Care chief. His cumulative efforts considered for this award included humanitarian missions while deployed to Iraq, benefitting 300 children, work at a military treatment facility and other community projects.

The Chapel of Four Chaplains Legion of Honor Humanitarian Award is given in recognition of a lifetime commitment to selfless service and societal advancement that has demonstrably affected the quality of life in the individual’s community or region.

In 1943, during World War II, four chaplains, gave their life jackets to Soldiers who didn’t have any after The Dorchester was torpedoed. After giving away their jackets, survivors said they linked arms with each other, heads bowed in prayer and went down with the Dorchester in the icy water. Two of the four chaplains were Protestant ministers, a Roman Catholic Priest, and a Jewish Rabbi.

Though honored to receive this award, Jasiurkowski credits the different teams that helped him in accomplishing those efforts and the sacrifice of the four chaplains.

“It’s very meaningful for me to be a recipient of The Chapel of Four Chaplains Legion of Honor Humanitarian Award, also it’s very humbling because I realize that these four chaplains sacrificed their lives saving Soldiers aboard the Dorchester,” said Jasiurkowski.

As Jasiurkowski considers the actions of the chaplains he is motivated to do more for his community, though convinced that that there is nothing that he can do in comparison to their sacrifice. Currently he is focused on the spiritual and resiliency development of employees, incorporating different trainings and workshops. These include “The Taste of Oxygen workshop,” “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” training, developed by Stephen R. Covey, an upcoming nine-week Financial Peace University to assist with money management and a midday bible study on Tuesdays.

“We’ve had the taste of oxygen workshops that help to build good and healthy relationships, and we will continue with the next workshop on Sept. 7.,” said Jasiurkowski.

According to Jasiurkowski, the feedback from some of these programs has been very encouraging and their goal is to continue to provide different training and resources that will be beneficial to the people and this organization and overall impact their effectiveness.

“People want to improve the quality of their communication, take a good care of each other, and have meaningful marriages and relationships,” said Jasiurkowski.

For more information about services and upcoming events like Walk to Remember, Oct. 12, provided by the Department of Ministry and Pastoral Care call 910.907.7729 or email