The Communications-Electronics Command (CECOM) Integrated Logistics Support Center (ILSC) sends its sincere gratitude and congratulations to Inventory Management Specialist Ms. Ramona K. Golden on the occasion of her retirement from the U.S. Army, effective on 30 September 2023. Ms. Golden was recently celebrated along with four other deserving individuals at the Aberdeen Proving Ground (APG) Installation Retirement Ceremony on 27 July.
Ms. Golden’s path to civilian service began in 2010 while she was working in church ministry in Colorado Springs, CO. Her husband, Mr. Courtney Golden, a military veteran who was working as a contractor at the time, was speaking to a friend at APG, who told him about their intern program. He applied, and he encouraged Ms. Golden to do the same, which she did. And so began Ms. Golden’s career with CECOM.
Starting her tenure at APG in January of 2011 as a Supply Intern, Ms. Golden collected multiple awards and decorations along the way, such as the Army Achievement Medal for Civilian Service in 2016 and numerous employee/team of the quarter selections. Now, Ms. Golden is concluding her illustrious career as a Team Leader for the Procurement Planning and Contracts Division within CECOM ILSC.
During the 27 July ceremony, Ms. Golden began her remarks by crediting her faith and family for the guiding light that they provided, and then directed her thanks toward the CECOM ILSC community, saying “You challenged me and you supported me with your helpful attitude. You were flexible with me and you gave me constant encouragement. Working with you all has been such a gift that I will cherish. I love you all.”
According to Ms. Golden, her leaders were always willing to listen, and they were subsequently instrumental in helping her to achieve her goals. Ms. Golden went on to say that CECOM ILSC leaders were appreciative of her efforts as they encouraged, challenged, assisted, and supported her while providing her with all the tools necessary to pave a successful path forward in her career. Ms. Golden went on to single out several individuals whose guidance was especially noteworthy throughout her tenure with the Army.
Ms. Golden closed her remarks on the day by quoting Maya Angelou: “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” The legacy of Ms. Golden’s ability to connect with team members and act as an example for others will remain at CECOM ILSC, even as her day-to-day presence will be greatly missed. Upon her retirement, Ms. Golden plans to spend most of her time in her home state of Texas with her daughter, father, and other loved ones, while still returning to the east coast when she can.
Colleagues have long appreciated Ms. Golden for her ability to meet all goals in supporting the Warfighter no matter the challenge and her unwavering work ethic and commitment, all while displaying a humility and kindness that set her apart. Ms. Golden stated, “I wanted to thank everyone for what they’ve done to equip me, empower me, and allow me this privilege to serve our country this way.” CECOM ILSC proudly congratulates Ms. Ramona K. Golden on an outstanding career and wishes her all the best in her retirement.
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