The Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and Comptroller) and the U.S. Army Reserve Command Internal Review Directorate sponsored the 2023 Department of the Army Internal Review Symposium, held August 8 through 11.
The theme of the symposium was Peak Performance. The symposium, held virtually, delivered an assortment of training sessions to help the Army IR Community reach its top potential.
The symposium featured senior-level Army presenters and premier industry training providers who delivered in-depth auditing training to refine the technical skills of the IR auditors. Army presenters included Mr. Robert Cook, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (FM&C); Mr. Michael Ramsey, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Operations and Information); Mr. Bruce Miller, Auditor General, U.S. Army Audit Agency; Ms. Dawn Cyr, Director, Internal Review and Audit Compliance, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command; Mr. Bret Mullinix, Director, Internal Review and Audit Compliance, U.S. Army Materiel Command; Ms. Debbie Marois, Director, Army Reserve Internal Review; and Mr. Patrick Tucker, Chief Internal Review, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
“This was one of the best audit training events in my career,” said Gary Dissette, IR Audit Chief, U.S. Army Space Missile and Defense Command. “World-class speakers at various command levels and key subject matter experts provided insight in the current and future changes to improve audit quality and performance."
The four-day symposium consisted of a mix of audit training, soft skills training and discussions. The topics included: adding value through audit, personal productivity, external audit liaison process, criticisms of internal audit and how to overcome them, innovating internal audit, the art of an audit finding, using Army Vantage to support audits, law enforcement sensitive audits, fraud risk assessments/trends, the Continuous Monitoring Program, the Risk Management Internal Control Program and the DODIG Peer Review Process.
“The symposium was great,” said Bert Hervey, Chief, Internal Review, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Galveston District. “Key to our work in USACE and particularly helpful to new auditors in our district and division.”
More than 350 auditors and supervisory auditors at Army, Army Reserve and National Guard IR offices attended.
“It was inspiring to listen to the course,” said Ivette Reick, Chief, Omaha District Internal Review, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. “And it made me want to return to Omaha in order to focus on the results of my annual audit plan.”
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