Redstone Arsenal research project needs volunteers

By USAG - Redstone Arsenal Public AffairsAugust 14, 2023

Redstone Arsenal research project seeks volunteers.
Redstone Arsenal research project seeks volunteers. (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

REDSTONE ARSENAL, Ala. -- You may have noticed a new Facial Recognition System at Gate 10.

This system is part of a research and development project managed by the Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and Development Center and executed by Idemia – National Security Solutions. This project will demonstrate remote enrollment and expansion of facial recognition entry for multi-occupant vehicles.

The remote enrollment portion will inform the program’s capability to validate identities and potentially allowing individuals to bypass the Visitor Control Center. The express lane portion will inform the Army of the technology’s capability to expand facial recognition beyond single occupant vehicles and identify everyone in the vehicle. It will also inform the Army about potential considerations or policy impacts for these technologies.

The program is seeking volunteers to successfully demonstrate the contactless technology. Volunteers will be asked to do two things:

1) Enroll into the convenient, streamlined remote app using secure smartphone technology.

2) Use the Facial Recognition System at Gate 10 as they enter Redstone Arsenal.

Because this is a research project and not a system of record, all vehicles entering through Gate 10, including volunteers, must have their ID cards scanned.

Volunteers will provide the necessary data needed for the research and development to demonstrate the potential for these technologies to further streamline access to installations while maintaining and possibly improving the security of installations. Note: Images will be captured and analyzed, for those who volunteer. Images will be held for the duration of the effort, which ends on Jan. 31, 2024. Access control will continue to be accomplished through existing Redstone Arsenal processes. Participants will continue to provide the guard with their normal form of identification before being permitted on the installation.

If you are interested in participating in the new Facial Recognition System data collection project at Gate 10, scan the QR code or go to the following link to register.

Scan to register as a volunteer.
Scan to register as a volunteer. (Photo Credit: Simunaci, Lisa C CIV GARRISON PAO) VIEW ORIGINAL