CAMP ZAMA, Japan – A “bicycle roundup” campaign will kick off here Aug. 10, during which military police will begin tagging unregistered bicycles and scooters found on Camp Zama and Sagamihara Housing Area, an 88th MP Detachment representative said.
The campaign is intended to encourage residents and employees to register their bicycles and scooters as per installation policy, said Sgt. 1st Class Justin Thomas.
Bicycle and scooter owners can register their vehicles at the Vehicle Registration Office on Camp Zama. No documentation is necessary when registering, but owners will need to provide their vehicle’s make, model, serial number and color. Owners will then receive a registration sticker to be placed on their vehicle. The registration is a one-time requirement and does not require renewal for the duration of the owner’s tour in Japan, Thomas said.

During the roundup period, any tagged bicycles or scooters that are found to have active owners and are not abandoned should be registered immediately. Any tagged vehicles that have not been registered within 35 days of tagging will be impounded, Thomas said.
Call the Vehicle Registration Office at 263-4810 for further information.
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