Telling NETCOM's story

By Sgt. 1st Class Kelvin RingoldAugust 1, 2023

When it comes to telling who U.S. Network Enterprise Technology Command is, the overall message is clear – NETCOM is a two-star operational command with global responsibility that’s in competition, conflict, and crisis every day.
When it comes to telling who U.S. Network Enterprise Technology Command is, the overall message is clear – NETCOM is a two-star operational command with global responsibility that’s in competition, conflict, and crisis every day. (Photo Credit: Courtesy photo) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT HUACHUCA, Ariz. – When it comes to telling who U.S. Network Enterprise Technology Command is, the overall message is clear – NETCOM is a two-star operational command with global responsibility that’s in competition, conflict and crisis every day.

However, the success of NETCOM will always be a team effort. It’s those roughly 16,000 strong who provide the U.S. Army with unmatched service. Day in and day out, the NETCOM team works around the clock to help run the third largest network in the world.

“That’s the enormity of what we do every day,” said Maj. Gen. Christopher Eubank, Commanding General, NETCOM. “It’s done on the backs and shoulders of our military, Department of the Army workforce and contract partners.”

It’s easy to see the big picture and what NETCOM collectively does each day. But in support of NETCOM, who are you?

From the teams in the NETCOM headquarters to the teams in expeditionary signal battalions enhanced, Network Enterprise Centers or Regional Cyber Centers, it’s those cohesive teams who impact the mission every day.

Telling who they are, and highlighting their efforts, is the story the Army, community, and world needs to hear.

“It’s important,” Eubank said. “We are the number one weapons platform for the Army. Some people think it’s the M-1 tank, some people think it’s the Apache, and some people think it’s the next generation combat vehicle.”

However, between building infrastructures, hand-held devices or other technological advancements, the importance of everyone’s daily accomplishments is evident.

“None of that works without the network,” Eubank explained. “If the network doesn’t work for a general officer, that’s a bad day. The GOs, the colonels, the lieutenant colonels, the chief warrant officer 5s and command sergeant majors are making decisions every day based on ones and zeros flowing across the network.”

From the Azure Virtual Desktop, Comply-to-Connect, or Google Workspace, this is just the tip of the iceberg of what the dedicated and talented teams do on behalf of NETCOM. They do so largely in the shadows and behind the scenes. For them, it’s a way of life and fulfilling their daily jobs.

“Everything I just talked about, we manage,” Eubank said. “We, NETCOM, and nobody else.”

Even with that significance, people only know a small fraction of what NETCOM does, and it’s something more people become aware of.

“This is what we do every day,” Eubank explained. “We just aren’t really good at saying who we are.”

The only way to do that is to share the NETCOM story. Not just the headquarters, but the Soldiers, civilians and team members who affect positive change every day for the Army and warfighter.

Whose story will be heard next? Will it be yours?