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Change of Command at Devens RFTA

By Jazika LevarioJuly 13, 2023

Military vehicles from the 94th Training Division hoist the American flag for the Change of Command Ceremony
1 / 5 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Military vehicles from the 94th Training Division hoist the American flag for the Change of Command Ceremony on 30 June 2023.

(Photo Credit: Mike Greenough)
Members of the Command team and attendees at the Change of Command ceremony at Devens RFTA salute the American flag during the playing of the National Anthem on 30 June 2023.
2 / 5 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Members of the Command team and attendees at the Change of Command ceremony at Devens RFTA salute the American flag during the playing of the National Anthem on 30 June 2023. (Photo Credit: Mike Greenough) VIEW ORIGINAL
LTC Trent Colestock, outgoing Garrison Commander, passes the Garrison colors to the presiding officer, Col Mitchell Wisniewski
3 / 5 Show Caption + Hide Caption – LTC Trent Colestock, outgoing Garrison Commander, passes the Garrison colors to the presiding officer, Col Mitchell Wisniewski, signifying the official transfer of command at the Change of Command ceremony at Devens RFTA on 30 June 2023. (Photo Credit: Mike Greenough) VIEW ORIGINAL
Col Mitchell Wisniewski, the presiding officer, passes the Garrison colors to incoming Garrison Commander, LTC Joshua Bloom
4 / 5 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Col Mitchell Wisniewski, the presiding officer, passes the Garrison colors to incoming Garrison Commander, LTC Joshua Bloom, signifying the official transfer of command at the Change of Command ceremony at Devens RFTA on 30 June 2023. (Photo Credit: Mike Greenough) VIEW ORIGINAL
LTC Joshua Bloom, incoming Garrison Commander addresses the attendees at the Change of Command ceremony at Devens RFTA on 30 June 2023.
5 / 5 Show Caption + Hide Caption – LTC Joshua Bloom, incoming Garrison Commander addresses the attendees at the Change of Command ceremony at Devens RFTA on 30 June 2023. (Photo Credit: Mike Greenough) VIEW ORIGINAL

Change of Command at Devens RFTA

By Jaz Levario

Devens Reserve Forces Training Area Public Affairs

July 11, 2023

Change of command ceremonies are integral to the military tradition and serve as a symbolic transfer of authority and responsibility from one commanding officer to another. On June 30, 2023, Devens Reserve Forces Training Area (RFTA) hosted a change of command ceremony, marking the transition from Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) Trent Colestock to LTC Joshua Bloom.

LTC Colestock, who assumed command of Devens RFTA on July 1, 2021, has led the installation with distinction and made significant contributions during his tenure. Under his leadership, Devens RFTA has achieved notable milestones in training and readiness, while fostering a culture of excellence and professionalism.

During his tenure, LTC Colestock oversaw various training exercises and deployment preparation, ensuring that soldiers received the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their military roles. He emphasized the importance of comprehensive and realistic training, allowing troops to face challenges head-on and enhance their capabilities. LTC Colestock's commitment to safety, professionalism, and continuous improvement greatly benefited the soldiers and the mission of Devens RFTA.

As LTC Colestock bids farewell to his command, the responsibility now falls on LTC Joshua Bloom. LTC Bloom brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the position, having served in various leadership roles throughout his military career.

The change of command ceremony at Devens RFTA was a lovely event, attended by military personnel, distinguished guests, and family members. The ceremony symbolized the passing of the organizational colors, representing the authority and responsibility vested in the commanding officer. The Garrison Command Sergeant Major, CSM Jamie Rogers handed over the colors to LTC Colestock who then passed them to the presiding officer, Colonel Mitchell Wisniewski, who then passed them to LTC Bloom, signifying the official transfer of command.

The change of command at Devens RFTA represents a seamless transition of leadership, ensuring the continuity of operations and the preservation of the high standards established by LTC Colestock. With LTC Bloom at the helm, the Soldiers and Civilians can look forward to continued growth, innovation, and readiness to meet the challenges of an ever-changing military landscape.

The change of command ceremony at Devens RFTA from LTC Trent Colestock to LTC Joshua Bloom marked an important milestone in the history of the military installation. LTC Colestock's accomplishments and dedication were commendable, and his leadership will be remembered. LTC Bloom, with his experience and vision, is well poised to carry forward the legacy and lead Devens RFTA to new heights of success.

Devens RFTA is the premier military training installation in New England and the primary choice for the regional Joint Force to meet current and emerging requirements.

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