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TRADOC and Educating Army Professionals: A 50-Year Overview

By TRADOC Military History and Heritage OfficeJuly 11, 2023

Staff Group at the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College
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U.S. Army Sergeants Major Academy
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The Army University Enterprise
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The U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command recruits and trains Soldiers; supports unit training; develops adaptive Army leaders—both Soldier and Civilian; guides the Army through doctrine; and shapes the Army by building and integrating formations, capabilities, and materiel.

All this occurs in service of the larger goal of providing the Republic with an Army prepared to succeed today and to meet tomorrow’s challenges whatever they may be. A commitment to learning—the acquisition of new knowledge or skills by experience, instruction, or study—has always been foundational to TRADOC’s efforts.

Institutionally speaking, learning occurs during both training and education. While the training aspect of TRADOC’s mission manifests in its name, the educational aspect of the learning mission is no less important, if less readily apparent.

Since its establishment, TRADOC’s educational mission has evolved and expanded. In 1973, TRADOC oversaw 24 military schools and colleges, branch schools, and specialist schools. In 2015, Army University was established, synchronizing the efforts of 37 Army schools organized under nine Centers of Excellence. AU provides professional military education for commissioned officer, warrant officer, and enlisted leaders; educates and develops DA Civilians; and educates military, law enforcement, and interagency personnel from across the world. Over 500,000 Soldiers, Army Civilians, and other students pass through AU classrooms every year.

Significant educational milestones abound over TRADOC’s first 50 years. Beginning in 1982, captains were required to attend the Combined Arms and Services Staff School at Fort Leavenworth—the course produced officers capable as functioning as staff officers with the Army in the field.

To meet a perceived need to prepare more capable staff officers for service at the division, corps, and army or above levels, the School for Advanced Military Studies appeared in 1982.

TRADOC established an Aviation Logistics School at Fort Eustis in 1983 and also formally assumed responsibility of The U.S. Army School of the Americas—today’s Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation—WHINSEC—in 1986.

In 1986, he Army Management Staff College opened its initial courses for Army Civilians in Baltimore, Maryland. TRADOC assumed proponency of the Army Logistics Management College from Army Materiel Command in 1991.

Successive TRADOC commanders emphasized the growth of the Noncommissioned Officer Education System into a sequential and progressive educational program. Warrant officer candidate schooling consolidated at the Warrant Officer Career Center at Fort Novosel in 1993.

A Department of Military History was later established in the Command General and Staff College at Fort Leavenworth in 2004.

These provide but a few examples of TRADOC achievements in the education realm, but by no means the only noteworthy ones.

For fifty years, TRADOC has served as the Army’s primary educator. As such, its efforts increase the abilities of the Army’s people, who are, in the final measure, the institution’s true competitive advantage.