Schoellhorn, Blue Pass USAG Daegu Reins to Henning, Kamaludeen in Combined Ceremony

By Philip Molter, USAG Daegu PAOJuly 11, 2023

USAG Daegu Change of Command/Responsibility
CAMP WALKER, Daegu South Korea - (July 10, 2023) The Director of Installation Management Command Pacific, Craig Deatrick, passes the U.S. Army Garrison Daegu colors to USAG Daegu Commander Col. Dave Henning, while USAG Daegu Command Sgt. Maj. Asgar Kamaludeen looks on, during the Garrison Change of Command and Responsibility here today. (Photo Credit: Pfc. Kim Ji Hun) VIEW ORIGINAL

CAMP WALKER, Daegu, South Korea – Col. Brian P. Schoellhorn concluded his two years in command of U.S. Army Garrison Daegu by passing the colors to Col. David F. Henning in a ceremony in the Kelly Gym here, July 10, 2023.

The combined Change of Command/Change of Responsibility also featured Command Sgt. Maj. Jonathon Blue Sr. relinquishing responsibility to Command Sgt. Major Asgar Kamaludeen.

“I am humbled and honored to stand before you today,” said Schoellhorn. “And I want to use this time to thank all of you who make Area IV a special place.”

Schoellhorn, in turn, thanked military and community leaders, especially noting the partnership with the Daegu Nam or South District Mayor Cho Jae Gu and Chilgok-gun or County Governor Kim Jae Wook, and paused to express his gratitude to the USAG Daegu staff and work force.

“To the employees across the Garrison, thank you for what you do day in and day out,” he said. “Without you nothing would or could happen. You are the Garrison and at the frontline of everything we do. You have my thanks, admiration, and gratitude. I am proud to have been your commander.”

The presiding officer for the ceremony, Director of Installation Management Command Pacific, Craig Deatrick, lauded Schoellhorn and Blue for their leadership of the Garrison.

“Both Col. Schoellhorn and Command Sgt. Maj. Blue provided skillful, caring – and most importantly – effective leadership here at USAG Daegu over the past two years,” Deatrick said. “Throughout their tenure, they served this community and the United States Army with honor and distinction. Their commitment, leadership, and selfless service to Soldiers, KATUSAs, U.S. Civilian and Korean Local National employees, Retirees, and Families raised the standard by which other command teams will be measured.”

USAG Daegu combined COC/COR
CAMP WALKER, Daegu, South Korea — From left, outgoing Command Sgt. Maj. Jonathon Blue Sr. and his family; outgoing Garrison Commander Col. Brian Schoellhorn and his family; Installation Management Command - Pacific Command Sgt. Maj. Jon Williams and IMCOM-Pacific Director Craig Deatrick, look on during remarks at the U.S. Army Garrison Daegu combined Change of Command and Change of Responsibility in the Kelly gym, here, July 10, 2023. (Photo Credit: Pfc Kim Ji Hun) VIEW ORIGINAL

The Commanding General of the 8th Army, Lt. Gen. Willard “Bill” Burleson III, noted that the departing USAG Daegu command team "provided tremendous leadership" during their tenure, and stressed the real importance of garrison work.

"Let it not be lost on you, that those of you in attendance today, for our Republic of Korea-U.S. Alliance, play a very important role," he said. "Am important role in keeping South Korea prosperous and safe."

Blue, who will also retire after completing 30 years of service, reflected on his career and pointedly recognized the Garrison team.

USAG Daegu combined COC/COR
CAMP WALKER, Daegu, South Korea - The outgoing Command Sgt. Maj. for U.S. Army Garrison Daegu, CSM Jonathon Blue Sr., passes the Garrison colors to the outgoing Garrison Commander, Col. Brian Schoellhorn, while the incoming command team of Garrison Commander, Col. Dave Henning, and Command Sgt. Maj. Asgar Kamaludeen look on, during the USAG Daegu Combined Change of Command and Change of Responsibility, July 10, 2023. (Photo Credit: Pfc. Kim Ji Hun) VIEW ORIGINAL
“It has been an honor and privilege to serve as your Garrison Sgt. Major for the past 2½ years,” he said. “I worked each day to be the voice of the Soldier and I hope I met your expectations. I am grateful for the opportunity to lead and work alongside such a dedicated and talented team and community.”

Deatrick also took the time to welcome Henning and Kamaludeen.

“You must now build on the work of Col. Schoellhorn and Command Sgt. Maj. Blue to lead USAG Daegu into the future,” he said. “I have every confidence in your ability and I look forward to hearing about the great things you will accomplish here.”

Kamaludeen appreciated and anticipated the way ahead for his time with USAG Daegu and Area IV, which is just starting.

“It is a privilege to be here,” he said. “I am looking forward to serving you, this great Garrison community and earning your respect as your command sergeant major.”

As Henning took command of the Garrison, he charged the team to think about the meaning of the USAG Daegu motto.

“Teammates, we have an incredible motto: ‘Make A Difference,’" Henning said. “I would ask that each of us consider how we can make a difference. We all have unique skills and abilities, let us find ways to utilize them, and, together, each of our small actions can achieve outsized accomplishments.”