FORT DRUM, N.Y. (June 27, 2023) -- Lt. Col. Richard Sposito Jr. took command of the 91st Military Police Battalion from Lt. Col. Anthony Howell during a ceremony June 27 inside Fort Drum’s Magrath Sport Complex.
Col. Sharon Lyght, 16th Military Police Brigade commander, presided over the ceremony and welcomed Sposito and his family to Fort Drum.
“Rich, what I can promise you is that the next two years will be the most challenging, high-adventure and absolutely the greatest time of your Army career,” she said. “Grab your snowshoes, pack your bags, and stay ready.”
In addition to leading Mountain Guardian battalion, Sposito also serves as Directorate of Emergency Services director, which includes the Physical Security Division, Law Enforcement Division, and Fire and Emergency Services Division.
“The reputation of the storied 10th Mountain Division, the world-class Fort Drum garrison and the strong relationship with our surrounding community partners – coupled with the professionalism of the Mountain Guardians standing before us today – make this the opportunity of a lifetime,” Sposito said. “I am humbled and excited to join this amazing team, and I look forward to serving alongside you.”
Howell, who arrived at Fort Drum in 2021, successfully trained and deployed 91st MP Battalion troops for deployments in Afghanistan and Europe while providing superior law enforcement and force protection for the community. In his remarks, he credited the professionals standing in formation for being the heroes who saved lives and aided people on their worst days.
“We rely on those in front of you to be there when all other means have failed, to protect the most vulnerable of our population, and to not give up on those who have already given up on themselves,” he said. “When the 10th Mountain Division and their families ask for help, those on the field stand ready to respond, regardless of weather conditions.”
Howell said his lasting thoughts about the 91st MP Battalion will be “honest readiness.”
“When asked to get out the door on no-notice deployments three times, we had people at the ready line before all others,” he said. “You are a large part of why Fort Drum is such a great place to be stationed. Your professionalism in everything you do makes this place amazing.”
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