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Army helped HRC officer 'be all she can be'

By Fonda BockJune 12, 2023

Why I serve: Capt. Corie Scarpella
1 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Capt. Corie Scarpella, is an IPPS-A integrator and unit manning report manager, Active Guard Reserve Distribution for the Reserve Personnel Management Directorate, U.S. Army Human Resources Command. She joined the Arizona Army National Guard in November 2000 and transferred to the Army Reserve in September 2013. (Photo Credit: Photo courtesy Capt. Corie Scarpella) VIEW ORIGINAL
Why I serve: Capt. Corie Scarpella
2 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Capt. Corie Scarpella, is an IPPS-A integrator and unit manning report manager, Active Guard Reserve Distribution for the Reserve Personnel Management Directorate, U.S. Army Human Resources Command. She joined the Arizona Army National Guard in November 2000 and transferred to the Army Reserve in September 2013. (Photo Credit: Capt. Corie Scarpella) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT KNOX, Ky. — Capt. Corie Scarpella is an IPPS-A integrator and unit manning report manager for the Active Guard Reserve Distribution, Reserve Personnel Management Directorate of the U.S. Army Human Resources Command.

Scarpella never thought about joining the military until a friend suggested she take his Nov. 28, 2000, appointment to meet with an Army National Guard Recruiter. She enlisted the same day in the Arizona Army National Guard.

After her first deployment in 2003-2004, Scarpella considered leaving the service but instead decided to transfer to the California National Guard and move to San Diego.

“I had a great experience working on the Counterdrug Task Force and as a recruiter,” she said. “Those experiences renewed my drive and motivation for the military.”

Scarpella attained the rank of sergeant first class in July 2010 and received a direct appointment to second lieutenant in the Adjutant General Corps after transferring to the Army Reserve in September 2013. She has been in the Active Guard Reserve program since 2015.

Why I serve: Capt. Corie Scarpella
1 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Capt. Corie Scarpella, is an IPPS-A integrator and unit manning report manager, Active Guard Reserve Distribution for the Reserve Personnel Management Directorate, U.S. Army Human Resources Command. She joined the Arizona Army National Guard in November 2000 and transferred to the Army Reserve in September 2013. (Photo Credit: Capt. Corie Scarpella) VIEW ORIGINAL
Why I serve: Capt. Corie Scarpella
2 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Capt. Corie Scarpella, is an IPPS-A integrator and unit manning report manager, Active Guard Reserve Distribution for the Reserve Personnel Management Directorate, U.S. Army Human Resources Command. She joined the Arizona Army National Guard in November 2000 and transferred to the Army Reserve in September 2013. (Photo Credit: Photo courtesy Capt. Corie Scarpella) VIEW ORIGINAL

“For an organization that I never thought I would enjoy, I have truly thrived and learned how to make all the Army opportunities work for me to ‘Be all You Can Be,’” she said. “I made it a point to learn how the Army works and then used those opportunities to better my Army career. I have had some pretty cool jobs and met some amazing people. The Army has helped me take risks and not be afraid of making mistakes and being told no — recruiting taught me that one. This has fueled my personality and character into the candid, tell it how it is Soldier and the person I have become.”

During her time in the Army, Scarpella has completed a bachelor’s degree in business management and a master’s in emergency and disaster management.

“I’ve lived in amazing places like San Diego and Las Vegas, and I am now getting ready to move to New York City for my final duty station before I retire,” she said. “While the Army is not for everyone — and I had moments where I wanted to quit — I am glad I stuck it out and took advantage of the many opportunities the Army has to offer. I am now better off and well prepared for life after military.”