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Combined Arms Center commander visits U.S. Army Intelligence Center of Excellence, Fort Huachuca

By Amy Stork, USAICoE public affairsMay 24, 2023

Combined Arms Center commander visits U.S. Army Intelligence Center of Excellence, Fort Huachuca
Right, Maj. Gen. Tony R. Hale, U.S. Army Intelligence Center of Excellence (USAICoE) and Fort Huachuca Commanding General; Lt. Gen. Milford H. Beagle, Jr., U.S. Army Combined Arms Center and Fort Leavenworth commanding general; Peter Don, Senior Technical Advisor to the Commanding General of USAICoE; and Norm Lawrence, Deputy to the Commanding General of USAICoE, discuss Fort Huachuca's assets from the top of Star Hill, May 22. Fort Huachuca has 700 acres of training area, and 1,500 square miles of restricted airspace. (Photo Credit: Amy Stork) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT HUACHUCA, Ariz. — Lt. Gen. Milford H. Beagle, Jr., U.S. Army Combined Arms Center and Fort Leavenworth commanding general, with Command Sgt. Maj. Stephen H. Helton, visited the U.S. Army Intelligence Center of Excellence and Fort Huachuca, for the first time since taking command last October.

On Monday, May 22, Beagle joined Military Intelligence Basic Officer Leader Course students for morning physical fitness training, and then participated in a windshield tour of the installation that included Fort Huachuca schools, the Raymond W. Bliss Army Health Center, and Star Hill.

Maj. Gen. Tony R. Hale, USAICoE and Fort Huachuca commanding general, accompanied Beagle on the tour, and pointed out Fort Huachuca’s assets from atop Star Hill to include the 1LT John R. Fox Multidomain Operations Range, Libby Army Airfield, and the expanse of airspace Fort Huachuca has been delegated.

“Fort Huachuca is unique in its capabilities in the electromagnetic spectrum,” Hale said. “We have 700 acres of training area, we have 1,500 square miles of restricted airspace, and since we are surrounded by the Huachuca, Chiricahua and Whetstone Mountains, we can keep electronically charged elements within our training complex.”

Combined Arms Center commander visits U.S. Army Intelligence Center of Excellence, Fort Huachuca
Lt. Gen. Milford H. Beagle, Jr., U.S. Army Combined Arms Center and Fort Leavenworth commanding general, led a Leader Professional Development session in Fitch Auditorium May 22, where he encouraged students in the Military Intelligence Captains Career Course, 304th Military Intelligence Battalion, to ask questions. (Photo Credit: Amy Stork) VIEW ORIGINAL

Beagle then led a Leader Professional Development session with 304th Military Intelligence Battalion students enrolled in the MI Captains Career Course, where he encouraged participants to ask questions at the beginning.

One student asked what Beagle expected from an intelligence officer when he was in the operational force or in a garrison setting.

“My expectations at all levels of command when you have an S2 all the way to a G2; number one is anticipate,” Beagle said. “When you think about what your branch is responsible for doing, think about what is coming next. You are overprogrammed as part of our Army culture, we are all overprogrammed for the next thing … but you more so than anybody out of all the formations, you must be able to see.”

Beagle told students that everything they are learning while enrolled in school at the Intelligence Center of Excellence, they will have to drill it down into a succinct, cohesive, concise picture so their leadership can make decisions and the rest of their team will be able to see what they are facing.

Beagle also spent time with Soldiers in Advanced Individual Training at the 305th and 309th Military Intelligence Battalions, participated in a USAICoE leadership roundtable discussion, received a tour of the Mountain View Officer’s Club, followed by an Unmanned Aircraft Systems tour with the 2nd Battalion, 13th Aviation Regiment.

Combined Arms Center commander visits U.S. Army Intelligence Center of Excellence, Fort Huachuca
Left, Lt. Gen. Milford H. Beagle, Jr., U.S. Army Combined Arms Center and Fort Leavenworth commanding general, and Maj. Gen. Tony R. Hale, U.S. Army Intelligence Center of Excellence (USAICoE) and Fort Huachuca commanding general, led a USAICoE leadership roundtable discussion with senior leaders across the installation in Alvarado Hall May 22. (Photo Credit: Amy Stork) VIEW ORIGINAL

“Fort Huachuca and the Intelligence Center of Excellence is doing great work to posture the Army to meet the challenges it will face in 2030 and beyond,” Beagle said. “They’re training and building leaders while also conducting experimentation to ensure both new ideas and equipment are thoroughly tested before being employed. They do some amazing work here that affects the way our entire Army fights. Maj. Gen. Hale has an excellent team and I’m glad I’ve been able to come here to see it in action.”

Combined Arms Center commander visits U.S. Army Intelligence Center of Excellence, Fort Huachuca
During his visit to Fort Huachuca, Lt. Gen. Milford H. Beagle, Jr., U.S. Army Combined Arms Center and Fort Leavenworth commanding general, received a tour of the 2nd Battalion, 13th Aviation Regiment's Unmanned Aircraft Systems at Libby Army Airfield May 22. (Photo Credit: Amy Stork) VIEW ORIGINAL

Beagle is also the Commandant for the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College and the Deputy Commanding General for Combined Arms, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command.

More photos can be found here: