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Soldier, AMLC civilian attend Army Medical Department’s 2023 Junior Leadership Course

By C.J. LovelaceMay 18, 2023

2023 AMEDD Junior Leadership Course
Participants of the Army Medical Department’s 2023 Junior Leadership Course pose for a photo at Fort Belvoir, Virginia, in April. One Soldier and one civilian affiliated with U.S. Army Medical Logistics Command -- Capt. Elizabeth Martinez and Ash-Leigh Tensley -- were among the group of 100 attendees, which included 79 officers, 15 enlisted Soldiers and six Army Civilians. (Photo Credit: Courtesy) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT BELVOIR, Va. -- One Soldier and one civilian affiliated with U.S. Army Medical Logistics Command attended the Army Medical Department’s 2023 Junior Leadership Course, held at Fort Belvoir in April.

Capt. Elizabeth Martinez, assigned to the 168th Multifunctional Medical Battalion, 65th Medical Brigade, and currently operationally supporting the U.S. Army Medical Materiel Center-Korea, joined Ash-Leigh Tensley, a supply management specialist at the U.S. Army Medical Materiel Agency, for the five-day course.

“The course provided a lot of insight on Army Medicine, retention and leadership today and how the attendees as junior leaders fit into the role of preparing for the Army of 2030 and beyond,” Tensley said.

The purpose of the Junior Leadership Course is to identify outstanding junior leaders who consistently demonstrate the core Army Values and Warrior Ethos in the execution of their duties, and who demonstrate the skills, attributes and potential required to become future AMEDD leaders.

“Through this course, these outstanding junior leaders will gain experience and knowledge critical to addressing future complex issues within Army Medicine and the Joint Health Services enterprise,” Lt. Gen. R. Scott Dingle, surgeon general and commanding general of Army Medical Command, said in a news release announcing the 2023 class.

Over the five days, 100 attendees -- including 79 officers, 15 enlisted Soldiers and six civilians -- took part in roundtable discussions on various topics with senior leaders from Army Medicine, Defense Health Agency, Training and Doctrine Command and the Defense Intelligence Agency.

The course also included a corps breakout day and worldwide mentorship visit to the Pentagon, as well daily networking opportunities with classmates.

“The attendees had the opportunity to receive mentorship by senior leadership that included officers, NCOs and civilians,” Martinez said. “I loved how this course was able to provide us with the current and future challenges that the Army will face, along with ways to increase our leadership capabilities so we are better prepared for the future operational environment. We have to get comfortable being uncomfortable.”

Martinez, who is serving as officer in charge for the Customer Support Division at USAMMC-K, said she always looks for “nuggets of wisdom” to take home from leaders, education and training programs like the Junior Leadership Course.

“One of the things that stood out to me were the leadership panels, because they stressed the importance of Family and taking care of Soldiers,” she said. “This profession often comes with a sacrifice, and it was great to hear how senior leadership valued the importance of time and Family.”

Tensley, who has served in her current role for over six years, said she can apply what she learned to grow professionally and develop into a more effective leader. Her work includes assisting the director of USAMMA’s Medical Materiel Sourcing Division in developing innovative ways to improve internal and external logistics for centralized medical materiel management processes.

“This course also provided the opportunity to use my knowledge and perspective to mentor others across the civilian corps and assist with enhancing their professional growth and development,” she said.

USAMMC-K and USAMMA are two of three direct reporting units to AMLC, the Army’s life cycle management command for medical materiel. The third is the U.S. Army Medical Materiel Center-Europe.