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405th AFSB launches Defender 23 Exercise issuing HIMARS from Army Prepositioned Stocks

By Maj. Vonnie WrightMay 7, 2023

405th AFSB launches Defender 23 Exercise issuing HIMARS from Army Prepositioned Stocks
1 / 3 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Over 340 pieces of rolling stock and High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems staged and ready for distribution to 1st Battalion, 182nd Field Artillery Regiment May 5 in Adazi, Latvia. The HIMARS and all equipment issued to 1-182 FAR will be utilized for the Defender 2023 exercise with an expected return on or about May 26. DEFENDER 23 is a U.S. Army Europe and Africa led exercise focused on the strategic deployment of continental United States-based forces, employment of Army Prepositioned Stocks, and interoperability with Allies and partners. Taking place from 22 April to 23 June, DEFENDER 23 demonstrates USAREUR-AF’s ability to aggregate U.S.-based combat power quickly in Eastern Europe, increase lethality of the NATO Alliance through long-distance fires, build unit readiness in a complex joint, multi-national environment, and leverage host nation capabilities to increase USAREUR-AF’s operational reach. (Photo Credit: Maj. Vonnie Wright) VIEW ORIGINAL
405th Army Field Support Brigade issues HIMARS to 1-182nd Field Artillery Regiment
2 / 3 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Maj. Sherita Young (left), support operations officer, 405th Army Field Support Brigade - Germany, 405th Army Field Support Brigade, Cpt. Roberto Rivera (left-middle), plans and operations officer, 405th AFSBn - Germany, Col. Crystal Hills (middle-right), commander, 405th AFSB, and Lt. Col. Denny Bernacki, commander, AFSBn - Germany, walk and inspect the equipment drawn from Army Prepositioned Stocks before being signed over to 1st Battalion, 182nd Field Artillery Regiment for DEFENDER 23 in Adazi, Latvia, on May 4, 2023.

DEFENDER 23 is a U.S. Army Europe and Africa led exercise focused on the strategic deployment of continental United States-based forces, employment of Army Prepositioned Stocks, and the interoperability with Allies and partners. Taking place from 22 April to 23 June, DEFENDER 23 demonstrates USAREUR-AF's ability to aggregate U.S.-based combat power quickly in Eastern Europe, increase lethality of the NATO Alliance through long-distance fires, build unit readiness in a complex joint, multi-national environment, and leverage host nation capabilities to increase USAREUR-AF's operational reach. (Photo Credit: Sgt. Andrew Jo)
405th Army Field Support Brigade issues HIMARS to 1-182nd Field Artillery Regiment
3 / 3 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Cpt. Ed Ohalloran, battalion logistics officer, 1st Battalion, 182nd Field Artillery Regiment, goes over basic issue items [BII] for the HIMARS with Mrs. Holly Jordan, commander's responsible officer, 405th Army Field Support Battalion - Germany, 405th AFSB before he signs for the equipment for DEFENDER 23 in Adazi, Latvia on May 4, 2023.

DEFENDER 23 is a U.S. Army Europe and Africa led exercise focused on the strategic deployment of continental United States-based forces, employment of Army Prepositioned Stocks, and the interoperability with Allies and partners. Taking place from 22 April to 23 June, DEFENDER 23 demonstrates USAREUR-AF's ability to aggregate U.S.-based combat power quickly in Eastern Europe, increase lethality of the NATO Alliance through long-distance fires, build unit readiness in a complex joint, multi-national environment, and leverage host nation capabilities to increase USAREUR-AF's operational reach. (Photo Credit: Sgt. Andrew Jo)

ADAZI, Latvia - The 405th Army Field Support Battalion - Germany, 405th Army Field Support Brigade issues High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems to 1st Battalion, 182nd Field Artillery Regiment from the Michigan National Guard here on May 6 in preparation for Defender 2023.

“Our mission here is to provide HIMARS and a battalion minus worth of equipment from our APS-2 site in Germany to the 1-182 FAR in order for them to conduct joint operations with partner nations,” said Maj. Sherita Young, support operations officer, 405th AFSBn - Germany. “This equipment is expected to depart the theater on or about May 26 and is strictly for the Defender exercise as they support operations with our partners in Estonia and beyond.”

Young, and her team of 44 Soldiers, Department of Defense Contractors and Civilians have been preparing for this mission here in Latvia since April 10th and the task was extraordinary for them this time around, due to the fast pace the equipment had to be set and mission capable for their Michigan artillerymen to inspect, gain accountability and deploy the equipment with success and on time. Typically the 405th AFSB is allotted at least six months to bring it back to full mission capability and prepare for distribution. With this dynamic mission, the battalion’s time was cut in half.

“The typical [equipment] build gives you six months to refit once we issue the equipment and bring it back to full mission capability,” said Young. “We were in a unique situation where we received this equipment back from another unit in January and we had to make a quick turn to have it ready in April, shipped and ready to go.”

405th Army Field Support Brigade issues HIMARS to 1-182nd Field Artillery Regiment
1 / 3 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Maj. Sherita Young (right), support operations officer, 405th Army Field Support Battalion - Germany, Army Field Support Brigade, talks to Col. Crystal Hills (left), commander, 405th AFSB, at the Equipment Configuration and Handoff Area for the HIMARS issue to 1st Battalion, 182nd Field Artillery Regiment during DEFENDER 23 on May 4, 2023.

DEFENDER 23 is a U.S. Army Europe and Africa led exercise focused on the strategic deployment of continental United States-based forces, employment of Army Prepositioned Stocks, and the interoperability with Allies and partners. Taking place from 22 April to 23 June, DEFENDER 23 demonstrates USAREUR-AF's ability to aggregate U.S.-based combat power quickly in Eastern Europe, increase lethality of the NATO Alliance through long-distance fires, build unit readiness in a complex joint, multi-national environment, and leverage host nation capabilities to increase USAREUR-AF's operational reach. (Photo Credit: Sgt. Andrew Jo)
405th Army Field Support Brigade issues HIMARS to 1-182nd Field Artillery Regiment
2 / 3 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Mrs. Holly Jordan, commander's responsible officer, 405th Army Field Support Battalion - Germany, Army Field Support Brigade, goes over the hand receipt with Cpt. Ed Ohalloran, battalion logistics officer, 1st Battalion, 182nd Field Artillery Regiment, before they sign for over 400 pieces of equipment, to include High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems, for DEFENDER 23 in Adazi, Latvia on May 4, 2023.

DEFENDER 23 is a U.S. Army Europe and Africa led exercise focused on the strategic deployment of continental United States-based forces, employment of Army Prepositioned Stocks, and the interoperability with Allies and partners. Taking place from 22 April to 23 June, DEFENDER 23 demonstrates USAREUR-AF's ability to aggregate U.S.-based combat power quickly in Eastern Europe, increase lethality of the NATO Alliance through long-distance fires, build unit readiness in a complex joint, multi-national environment, and leverage host nation capabilities to increase USAREUR-AF's operational reach. (Photo Credit: Sgt. Andrew Jo)
405th Army Field Support Brigade issues HIMARS to 1-182nd Field Artillery Regiment
3 / 3 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Spc. Georgia Shillington, Water Treatment Specialist, 1st Battalion, 182nd Field Artillery Regiment, calls out a serial number as Soldiers inspect and conduct inventory of equipment during DEFENDER 23 in Adazi, Lativa, on May 4, 2023.

DEFENDER 23 is a U.S. Army Europe and Africa led exercise focused on the strategic deployment of continental United States-based forces, employment of Army Prepositioned Stocks, and the interoperability with Allies and partners. Taking place from 22 April to 23 June, DEFENDER 23 demonstrates USAREUR-AF's ability to aggregate U.S.-based combat power quickly in Eastern Europe, increase lethality of the NATO Alliance through long-distance fires, build unit readiness in a complex joint, multi-national environment, and leverage host nation capabilities to increase USAREUR-AF's operational reach. (Photo Credit: Sgt. Andrew Jo)

A quick timeline did not inhibit standards and efficiency for the APS team. While the team in Germany had to move quickly to ensure the proper maintenance, shipment and protocols were in place for this fast-paced issue of over 340 pieces of equipment to 1-182 FAR was on time and ready for distribution.

Mobilizing all the way from Detroit, Capt. Ed Ohalloran, battalion logistics officer, 1-182 FAR was surprised at the level of efficiency and grateful for having the extra time necessary to plan future operations with his unit.

“This has been smooth,” said Ohalloran. “I’m thoroughly impressed. To go in here thinking it would take four days and it only took a day and a half has been mind-blowing. This gives us more time to set up and improve our TOC [Tactical Operations Center] operations on the other side and execute other missions. I’m very impressed.”

What is not commonly known about these Equipment Configuration and Handoff Areas is that it is mainly composed of civilian professionals. Out of the 44-member team at this site issuing HIMARS and equipment, only two of them are green suitors.

Capt. Roberto Rivera, ECHA officer in charge, 405th AFSBn - Germany, is one of the two Soldiers from his unit at the APS-2 issue site. Rivera plans and executes operations from start to finish and has done several of these as a logistician, but none like this one. He gives the credit to his civilian teammates and the host nation in Latvia.

“The DOD Contractors and Civilians play a vital role,” said Rivera. “In fact, this has been one of the best ECHA sites we’ve ran, and I attribute that to them and the Latvians. They’ve been very hospitable to us.”

This past year has been a historic one for the 405th AFSB and the capabilities they have brought to the warfighter and sustainment world. Their mantra is ‘Support The Warrior,’ and for them to continue to do that in an everchanging theater, investment is one of the many keys to their success.

“Use of APS-2 is for [a] wartime mission for a rapidly deploying unit,” said Young. “It is imperative that the Army continues to invest in keeping this equipment on hand ready. This is one thing we’ve learned this last year as it’s been utilized like it's never been used before. There needs to be a definite continued investment in how we maintain and keep it up to date. That includes how it is stored, its facilities and infrastructure.”