DCG sends: CECOM celebrates 42 years of innovation!

By Liz MirandaApril 27, 2023

(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

Good afternoon, Team CECOM -

Where has the time gone this year? It’s hard to believe we are already almost through the month of April!

On 1 MAY, our U.S. Army Communications-Electronics Command celebrates its 42nd birthday! From the Signal Corps laboratories supporting the battlefields of WWI and WWII, through the Cold War to space and beyond, CECOM has been making history through innovation, positively impacting technology and protecting our collective freedoms along the way. Please celebrate responsibly and check-out this awesome video shout-out for CECOM’s 42nd birthday:


MAY also kicks off National Mental Health Awareness Month. A time to bring awareness and attention to information and resources that supports the overall mental well-being of our Army’s greatest asset: its people. Our Army and CECOM will always be “People First!”

Here are some upcoming events around the command proving we’re an organization committed to its people.

The 2023 APG Mental Health Awareness Symposium is taking place next Tuesday, 2 MAY at 1100 in APG’s Mallette Training Facility. I would like to see everyone attend, as this is a hybrid event with a virtual component available through the following MS Teams Link: https://dod.teams.microsoft.us/l/meetup-join/19%3adod%3ameeting_b4075cd9ec53411d8fcad09c2881275c%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22fae6d70f-954b-4811-92b6-0530d6f84c43%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%225367987d-e4d5-4dc5-b5b6-6b7ef39f5fbc%22%2c%22IsBroadcastMeeting%22%3atrue%7d

Team, please make sure to save the date for our next Supervisor Town Hall scheduled for next Tuesday, 2 MAY at 1300 at APG’s Mallette Training Facility. As a command, we want to ensure our leaders are prepared to support our people. While in-person attendance is encouraged, the town hall will also be broadcast through MS Teams for our teammates who cannot attend in-person. Supervisors, please be on the lookout for more information via e-mail.

In observance of CECOM’s birthday next Monday, the command will function at reduced manning levels this Friday, 28 APRIL. Consistent with mission requirements, I encourage our Army Civilians to take annual leave, with supervisor approval, and our military personnel to use passes or leave. For those military and Army Civilians who will be working on the aforementioned day, I authorize supervisors to grant a 59-minute early release. As is standard for early release announcements, contractor employees must adhere to the terms of their contract regarding early release and cannot charge the Federal Government for any time while released.

I am extremely grateful for this collective CECOM team, and all that you do to support our warfighters – each of you is a key component to our mission’s success! Thank you for everything you do.

Be all you can be!


Liz Miranda