Supply Chain Optimization and Its Impact

By Kevin LagowskiApril 26, 2023

A hot topic on Integrated Logistics Support Center employees’ minds has been the Supply Chain Optimization effort, as its impact has been felt at every level. SCO marked a notable shift in the way that Army Materiel Command is viewing topics like technical depth, accountability, and developmental opportunities. This implementation and transition, like anything truly worthwhile relating to workplace agility, will take some time and a level of committed buy-in from all involved.

When it comes specifically to CECOM ILSC, many team members are showing right away that they grasp the full importance of SCO, on both a micro level and what it means to the larger Army. The ILSC Frontier Newsletter recently spoke with a few of these individuals to discuss this important topic.

ILSC Procurement Planning Branch Chief Ms. Monique Cranshaw-Sanders offered her insights on SCO.
ILSC Procurement Planning Branch Chief Ms. Monique Cranshaw-Sanders offered her insights on SCO. (Photo Credit: Sean Kief/CECOM G9) VIEW ORIGINAL

“SCO has postured CECOM to better support the Army’s modernization efforts,” said ILSC Demand Division Chief, Ms. Regan Bennett. “I have a team now focused solely on improving the accuracy of the Command’s demand and return plans with a clear vision of the inputs to those plans, an understanding of the impacts, and the tools to improve accuracy.”

According to Ms. Bennett, SCO has put a “discipline and structure” in place that has enabled the team to adapt more rapidly than ever to Warfighter requirements. SCMD Data Analytics & Reporting Branch Chief, Mr. Keith Weber, echoed a similar sentiment, saying, "SCO also resulted in a major overhaul of our Sales and Operations Planning process. The new process will have a larger scope through increased involvement from other functional areas like ILS, contracting, and FMS. This movement has allowed us to place more focus on development and delivery of tools and reports that help the supply chain community see themselves.” According to Mr. Weber, “These new functional roles should reduce gaps in our supply chain and will improve planning.”

Beyond the day-to-day impact that SCO is having on individual branches and teams, the concept of SCO’s effect on ‘Big Army’ is also an important one to grasp. “The Army is preparing for the future — to function in a different operational environment and find innovative ways to improve support to the Warfighter,” said ILSC Business and Audit Branch Chief, Mr. Fernando Garcia. This synergy makes complete sense to Mr. Garcia, who asserts that ILSC can now enhance its support of the Army thanks to an increased ability to “sustain and maintain momentum, in preparation for large scale combat operations in all domains.”

ILSC Procurement Planning Branch Chief Ms. Monique Cranshaw-Sanders brought an interesting point of view to the SCO discussion. “If you envision the Army as a body, the supply chain is the circulatory system which brings vital resources (the life blood) to the extremities (area of operations),” she said. “By ensuring the health of the Army, our Soldiers remain in a state of peak operational condition.”

Ms. Cranshaw-Sanders also pointed out that the dedicated work of individuals here at ILSC “enables the Army to accurately forecast and anticipate the needs of its systems and Soldiers and deploy materials and resources to the areas of operation with the necessary speed.” This effort touches every level of the workforce, as the ‘Big Army’ is counting on all of us to utilize our own unique skillsets to make a difference.

From operational expertise to customer fulfillment, to improved job satisfaction, SCO will have a meaningful and long-lasting impact on the Army Materiel Enterprise. It is imperative to keep the big picture in mind when it comes to this effort, as we all work in unison to support a strong and enduring Army. Cutting to the heart of the matter, Ms. Cranshaw-Sanders provided a perfect encapsulation of the ‘why’ behind SCO, saying, “A battle can be won with technological superiority, but a war is won through endurance.”

Contributors: Regan Bennett, Fernando Garcia, Keith Weber, Monique Cranshaw-Sanders, Sean Kief, and Danielle Santiago