Voice' of Fort Lee Gives All To Helping Others

By Ms. Trinace Johnson (IMCOM)August 25, 2009

Voice' of Fort Lee Gives All To Helping Others
FORT LEE, Va. (Aug. 13, 2009) - Her office could pass for a United Nations of sorts, elaborately decorated with paintings, trinkets, flags of every color of the rainbow and hand-crafted, wooden artifacts from literally all over the world. Her job is ... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT LEE, Va. (Aug. 13, 2009) - Her office could pass for a United Nations of sorts, elaborately decorated with paintings, trinkets, flags of every color of the rainbow and hand-crafted, wooden artifacts from literally all over the world. Her job is to take care of the international students who travel to Fort Lee to train at the Quartermaster Center and School.

Becky Joyner, QM International Student Office chief, said her mission is to ensure that all of the international students (and their Family members if accompanied) are settled in and taken care of administratively before they start class. She also ensures that the students are set up for success.

"I love having the opportunity to meet international students from all over the world and learn about their customs and cultures," said Joyner, who has been at Fort Lee for 35 years.

She also enjoys sharing American culture and customs with the students.

"Taking the international students out to all of the wonderful and historic places to learn about Virginia's rich and important history is very enjoyable to me," she said. "Being a native Virginian, I am so proud to be able to share the things I love about Virginia with them."

As the person who greets the students at the airport, Joyner said, "I am the first face they see (from Fort Lee) when they come, so the first impression is very important."

Joyner said that sometimes she has to leave the house at midnight to pick up a student and take them to billeting.

"It's a little challenging when students arrive unexpectedly," Joyner said, but she added that she's "up for the challenge."

In addition to international student work, Joyner is also known as the "voice of Fort Lee."

"I have served as the 'Voice of the Corps' for 15 years, narrating all kinds of ceremonies to include graduations, promotions, the Regimental Review, the Army Birthday and any other ceremonies I am asked to do," she said.

Recently Joyner received both the 244th QM Battalion and 23rd QM Brigade "Civilian of the Quarter" awards. She was also inducted as a Distinguished Member of the Regiment at the Quartermaster Foundation Dinner June 19.

Joyner said during her down time, she volunteers with Relay For Life. This is the American Cancer Society's signature activity where groups camp out and take turns walking or running around a track or path and donated proceeds go to fighting cancer. She also supports the James House and Crater Community Hospice, as well as the Central Virginia Food Bank.

"Giving yourself to help others is the best way to show your appreciation for all of the blessings in your life," she said.