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Senior warrant officer learns about Army space at SMDC

By Jason Cutshaw, USASMDCApril 10, 2023

Senior warrant officer learns about Army space at SMDC
Chief Warrant Officer 5 Yolondria Dixon-Carter, senior warrant officer advisor to the chief of staff of the Army, engages with U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command Chief Warrant Officer 5 Anson L. Seebeck and Jeff Burnett, executive officer to the deputy of the USASMDC commander, during her visit to the command April 5. During her visit, Dixon-Carter learned about SMDC’s capabilities, research and development, the Army space vision and mission, and spent time with the command’s warrant officers. (Photo Credit: Jason Cutshaw) VIEW ORIGINAL

REDSTONE ARSENAL, Alabama – The Army’s senior warrant officer visited the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command to learn about Army space’s technical experts.

Chief Warrant Officer 5 Yolondria Dixon-Carter, senior warrant officer advisor to the Chief of Staff of the Army, visited USASMDC April 5 to learn about SMDC’s capabilities, research and development, the Army space vision and mission, and spend time with the command’s warrant officers.

“It is an honor to be out here to visit SMDC,” Dixon-Carter said. “My purpose was to come here to visit the warrant officers and give an overview of what we’re doing as a Warrant Officer Cohort and to hear feedback on how our warrant officers are doing at SMDC.

“I will tell you that I already knew some of what is happening here, but to actually be on the ground, see the different demonstrations in the labs, hear about the capabilities and learn how everyone is working together is incredible,” she added. “It is great to see how our Soldiers, civilians and families are all working together in order to make sure our Army is ready and able to defend, deter and defeat, if necessary, our adversaries.”

Dixon-Carter chairs the Army Warrant Officer Council, which advises the Army chief of staff and other Army senior leaders on current and future development of the Warrant Officer Cohort.

She spoke on her impression of SMDC and what she learned about the command, Army space and how the command’s warrant officers are answering the Army’s call to service.

“Hearing about all the great things that are happening at SMDC, this is a great recruiting ground,” Dixon-Carter said. “We want all Americans to know that the Army has endless possibilities. There are so many of those possibilities right here at SMDC. This is a great place to show our youth what they can be and how they can become successful serving in our Army.”

Dixon-Carter talked about what she will take back to influence policy in regards to Warrant Officers and their technical expertise on Army space.

“The investment in the Warrant Officer Corps is important,” Dixon-Carter said. “Having seen what I’ve seen in the uniqueness of what happens out here at SMDC is how we can influence recruitment. In order to do that, we have to go out into our communities and go out to recruit our American citizens, especially our youth, and talk to them about the possibilities that the Army gives them.

“As I go out and interact with warrant officers and see what they’re doing, I always take back to the Pentagon new information on what is happening with training, education and capabilities of our warrant officers,” she added. “This visit will be no different. I will go back and let leadership know that our warrant officers are doing what we’re supposed to be doing. We’re highly trained, disciplined, fit and we’re ready to fight and win our nation’s wars.”

Before leaving, she wanted to thank the SMDC team for all they do to defend the high ground.

“I want everyone at SMDC to know, especially our warrant officers, that what you’re doing truly matters,” Dixon-Carter said. “After what I’ve seen here, Army talent management just got better because we are managing the talent of our warrant officers. We need to bring some more out here to see the uniqueness of what is happening at SMDC.

“It is my goal to get every warrant officer possible out here to see how important the mission of the Army as well as people, readiness and modernization,” she added. “Warrant officers are showing this career field is one pathway to be all you can be.”

During Dixon-Carter’s visit, SMDC Command Chief Warrant Officer 5 Anson L. Seebeck told what message he hoped to convey about the importance of SMDC’s Warrant Officer Cohort.

“Our Warrant Officer Cohort provides the continuity of presence and depth of knowledge to master the art of space warfare in support of the maneuver commander regardless of combatant command,” Seebeck said. “A highly professional cadre whose efforts drive the intelligence function, communications, and the employment and tactical control of our nation’s Army Space assets. I can’t be more proud of Team SMDCs ‘Quiet Professionals.’”

Seebeck also discussed the importance of the visit and what it means to have the Army’s senior warrant officer at the command.

“Getting the senior warrant officer advisor to the chief of staff of the Army to visit Redstone Arsenal and our command is simply a great way of highlighting the fantastic things the SMDC family does on a daily basis,” Seebeck said. “Our unique mission sets and portfolio of capabilities makes our story interesting. Conversely our uniqueness means you have to come to us to understand the scope of Team SMDC’s endeavors. There isn’t an Army Service Component Command as unique as we are. We are Army space.

“It was just such an honor to host CW5 Dixon-Carter at the command, the RSA Silver Chapter of the Warrant Officer Association luncheon, and spending time introducing her to our outstanding team of professionals,” he added. “CW5 Dixon-Carter’s unassuming but insightful servant leadership style really helps keep any venue she is in on track and focused on what is most important, our people.”