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Garrison Commander's Easter Holiday Safety Message

By Alfred TripoloneApril 4, 2023

Natick Teammates,

With the Easter Holiday coming up on Sunday, April 9, less than a week away, preparations are likely underway in many of your homes and neighborhoods. With celebrating this holiday important for many people, homeowners should always be mindful of some simple safety concerns to make this day the best one yet:

1.    Egg Safety

·      Inspect eggs before purchasing them at the grocery store. Check the eggs for cracks and most importantly, check to make sure they are not expired.

·      Decorate eggs only after they have been hard boiled and cooled. Once the eggs are decorated, keep them refrigerated until they are ready to use / eat.

·      Eggs that have been left out of the refrigerator for more than two hours should not be cooked or eaten as the spread of salmonella poisoning can become a likely hazard.

·      Wash your hands with warm soap and water frequently when dealing with raw eggs.

2.    Easter Egg Hunt Safety

·      Do not hide Easter eggs near any hazardous areas or around hazardous materials such as:

o  Electrical Outlets

o  Electrical Wiring

o  Glass

o  Plants with Thorns

o  Hard-to-reach areas

o  Chemicals

o  Any unidentified holes in the ground

·      Divide the areas according to the children’s age. Older children should hunt with children around the same age to avoid unnecessary injuries.

·      Make sure that adults supervise the Easter egg hunt.

·      Once the hunt has ended, locate and gather up all eggs that have not been found to prevent rot.

·      Consider using stuffed, plastic eggs instead.

3.    Watch Out for Food Allergies

·      According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), food allergies affected about 15 million people in the United States in 2022. While adults are always more mindful of what they eat, children are not as careful when they put items in their mouths. Supervision is the key to allergy prevention.

·      A good rule of thumb to go by is to purchase candies and snacks that do not contain dairy products, gluten, or peanuts when visiting children are at your home. Kids may have allergies that even their parents may not be aware of. Use plastic eggs instead.

4.    Always Practice Fire Safety in the Kitchen

·      Never overcrowd a kitchen. Only adults / essential people should be in an around a hot stove or burners.

·      Never multitask in a kitchen. Dividing your attention can cause a fire when a stove or hot burner is ignored.

·      Always stay alert. Make sure you are fully rested and avoid drinking alcohol when cooking in a kitchen. Impaired judgement is a major cause of home fires.

·      Keep flammable items away from a fire source.

·      Always set timers when cooking.

Easter can be a time of fellowship and community. But, amidst the activities, a lot of risks can manifest themselves. Safety is of paramount importance when celebrating the special day, and these tips should help you ensure it.

Army Safe is Army Strong! People First!

Winning Matters!


LTC, Infantry Commanding

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