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Army reg says helmets must be worn when riding bikes on installations

By U.S. Army Garrison HawaiiMarch 1, 2023

(Photo Credit: Courtesy of Fort Knox) VIEW ORIGINAL

WHEELER ARMY AIRFIELD, Hawaii -- Army Regulation 385-10, 11-11, states bicycle helmets approved by the Consumer Products Safety Commission will be worn by all personnel, including family members riding bicycles on Army installations. In fact, they must be worn when riding bicycles, skateboards, scooters, hover boards, segways, and roller or in-line skates.

When purchasing a new helmet, riders should look for headgear that meets or exceeds Consumer Product Safety Commission standards.

Note, though, that using portable headphones, earphones, ear, or other listening devices while walking, jogging, running, skating, skateboarding, and bicycling, including pocket bike, MC, or moped, on Department of Defense installation roads and streets, or adjacent to roadways or roadway intersections, is prohibited.

Wearing protective headgear approved by the Consumer Product Safety Commission is mandatory for all personnel, including family members, while using powered and non-powered scooters, bicycles, skateboards, roller skates, and roller blades. Hand, elbow and knee protection is highly recommended for these type of activities.

Bicycle Safety

  • Helmet use is mandatory.
  • Brightly-colored or reflective outer gear recommended.
  • Bike must have front lamp in hours of reduced visibility (300 feet).
  • Reflective equipment on pedals and/or tires and wheels (200 feet).
  • Riders must obey all vehicle traffic laws.