Fort McCoy Garrison Commander: The Jeep Wave

By COL. STEPHEN T. MESSENGERJanuary 26, 2023

Fort McCoy Garrison commander holds town hall to review climate survey, first 90 days
Fort McCoy Garrison Commander Col. Stephen Messenger gives a presentation Oct. 27, 2022, discussing the garrison, leadership, and more during a town hall discussion with Fort McCoy, Wis., workforce members at the installation. Messenger held two sessions for workforce members to discuss a recent climate survey and to review his first three months in command, and to give perspective on the way ahead within the garrison. (U.S. Army Photo by Scott T. Sturkol, Public Affairs Office, Fort McCoy, Wis.) (Photo Credit: Scott Sturkol) VIEW ORIGINAL

Commander, Fort McCoy Garrison

If you watch closely on the roads, Jeep owners always wave at each other. Called the Jeep Wave, this gesture is a way to build camaraderie among their brand and foster a community spirit.

This came from World War II, where Soldiers riding in jeeps would wave at each other instead of salute to prevent enemy spies from identifying officers. After the war, many veterans purchased Jeeps. This wave then became a way to recognize fellow veterans and acknowledge their service.

To wave or not to wave

Now, I’m originally from Philly. If someone waves at you from their car it’s with one finger.

But driving around Fort McCoy, a smaller Army installation surrounded by rural towns, I’ve seen more people than I expected waving as they pass—and using all their fingers! This is just a Wisconsinite gesture of friendliness, Jeep or no Jeep.

Well, when in Rome… I’ve found myself now waving and smiling at every car I pass on the installation. As the Commander, most people are starting to know my vehicle anyway. I get about a 60% return wave, and it feels good to somehow connect with whichever hardworking American I’m passing.

The time there was no wave

At one of my previous assignments, we had a high-ranking visitor within our chain-of-command arrive. Each section leader was to walk this gentleman through their spaces and introduce him to everyone. I did a few mental rehearsals, knew what I was going to say about each person, and was ready to go.

Upon arrival, and to my surprise, he barely stopped to say hi to anyone. He brushed right past with a rough hello and kept moving. The team wasn’t devastated, but it was certainly a topic of conversation that this man was perceived to not care about the people in his formation.

Of course, this leader cared about his people, but his actions didn’t show it that day. I’m sure he was just distracted, or rushed, or short on time—but no one knows this in the moment.

The times I don’t wave

This got me thinking: How many times do I miss the wave? How many times do I as a leader or peer walk by someone without acknowledging their existence? How many times am I the topic of conversation on how the boss walked right by without saying a word?

This is tough. I have over 500 people working for the installation and hundreds of others that enable our organization on a daily basis. And while I try really hard, to stop and have a conversation with each one is nearly impossible while still being productive at all that day.

How to wave to everyone

The Jeep brand has it right. The CEO of Jeep, now owned by Stellantis, doesn’t have to wave at every single person, every single day. Instead, Jeep has developed a culture where every Jeep owner is on a mission to connect with each other.

They ride around and mentally unite in their sphere. It’s not solely on the CEO to develop a brand of inclusivity and camaraderie—it’s incumbent on every person to connect with each other.

None of us can wait on the CEO to do this. We have to do it in our sphere of influence.

We as leaders along with everyone in our organization must attempt to connect with those we work with every single day. If the entire organization makes it a point to build bridges and lift each other up with a simple passing wave and genuine appreciation to see the other person, the entire team gets lifted up.

The McCoy wave

I make it a point now to wave and smile at every car I pass, and I try to never pass a cubicle in an office without saying a quick hello. Now know, I fail often because I usually have to be somewhere. But these little gestures by everyone can go a long way to building organizational culture.

The Jeep Wave is a metaphor for connection and extends well outside our windshield. Leaders need to connect with their people and foster an environment where they continuously improve relationships with each other. We are stronger together.

Next time you see someone in your organization on the road, in the office, or passing by, I encourage you to briefly connect with a wave, a smile or a quick conversation.

Build a culture where we care about each other, no matter how small that gesture is.

A little wave goes a long way.