Army civilian recognized for expertly managing CBRNE operations around world

By Walter HamDecember 7, 2022

U.S. Army civilian recognized for expertly managing CBRNE operations around world
Michael A. Emelio was named the 20th Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosives (CBRNE) Command Civilian of the Quarter for the 4th quarter of fiscal year 2022. A retired U.S. Army master sergeant, Emelio serves in the 20th CBRNE Command Operations Directorate’s Future Operations and Plans Section where he develops, prepares and publishes operations orders for EOD operations and emergency response efforts. (Photo Credit: U.S. Army photo by Marshall R. Mason) VIEW ORIGINAL

ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND, Md. — A U.S. Army civilian was recognized for expertly managing the operational planning and orders for 31 Army Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) companies and 15 Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear (CBRN) companies.

Michael A. Emelio was named the 20th Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosives (CBRNE) Command Civilian of the Quarter for the 4th quarter of fiscal year 2022.

Emelio serves in the 20th CBRNE Command Operations Directorate’s Future Operations and Plans Section where he develops, prepares and publishes operations orders for EOD operations and emergency response efforts.

While he primarily works with Army EOD units, Emelio has also managed worldwide operations for 15 chemical companies and supported high visibility and short-fused missions.

Headquartered on Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, the 20th CBRNE Command is home to 75 percent of the active-duty U.S. Army’s EOD and CBRN units, as well as the 1st Area Medical Laboratory, CBRNE Analytical and Remediation Activity, five Weapons of Mass Destruction Coordination Teams and three Nuclear Disablement Teams.

Soldiers and U.S. Army civilians from 20th CBRNE Command take on the world’s most dangerous hazards in support of joint, interagency and allied operations. The multifunctional and deployable command has units stationed on 19 bases in 16 states.

U.S. Army civilian recognized for expertly managing CBRNE operations around world
Michael A. Emelio was named the 20th Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosives (CBRNE) Command Civilian of the Quarter for the 4th quarter of fiscal year 2022. A retired U.S. Army master sergeant, Emelio serves in the 20th CBRNE Command Operations Directorate’s Future Operations and Plans Section where he develops, prepares and publishes operations orders for EOD operations and emergency response efforts. (Photo Credit: U.S. Army photo by Marshall R. Mason.) VIEW ORIGINAL

According to Emelio, the high pace of his job at 20th CBRNE Command keeps it interesting.

“There is always some real-world change or initiative ongoing, always something new to work on or with other commands on,” said Emelio.

Emelio is from the Washington, D.C., area, and grew up in Prince George's County, Maryland, and Arlington, Virginia. He served in the U.S. Army for 22 years, starting out as an infantryman before becoming an Explosive Ordnance Disposal technician and retiring as a master sergeant. He deployed to Bosnia, Iraq and Afghanistan.

Emelio said he enjoyed working with the Soldiers and U.S. Army civilians at the one-of-a-kind command on Aberdeen Proving Ground.

“The people make the command,” said Emelio.

Kimani J. Rice, the deputy chief of plans for 20th CBRNE Command, said Emelio was put in for the award because of his dedication to the command.

“Mike is always looking to help out the team,” said Rice, who is from Philadelphia. “Without hesitation, he is the first to step in and fill voids that are created by emergent missions.”