SCHOFIELD BARRACKS, Hawaii – The 3rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team hosted risk management and organizational change expert Bob Kuehl, chief of police for Raytown, Mo. at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, Nov. 30, 2022.
Kuehl researched and practiced risk management while at the Kansas City Police Department and shared his insights with approximately 100 leaders across the Bronco Brigade.
“What I enjoy most about getting to speak to Army units is that it is an opportunity to serve those who serve this country with professionalism, honor, and dignity,” said Kuehl. “And when I am around them, I leave a better leader.”
Kuehl spent months interviewing local, state and federal law enforcement agencies, a variety of private sector entities including fortune 500 professionals from all walks of business to understand the nuances of risk management in hopes of bringing industry best practices back to the KCPD.
Through his countless interviews he determined not a single entity or individual could define risk management nor articulate the process, which resulted in Kuehl coining his own definition.
Kuehl defines risk management as “awareness plus action,” and when posed as a question it is, “did you know or should you have known, and what did you do about it?”

The 3IBCT Commander Col. Rob Shaw sought to bring Kuehl to Hawaii after listening to his lecture at the Army’s School for Command Preparation to help junior leaders better understand and navigate risk management while in command.
“What we do in the Broncos is an inherently dangerous, sometimes both on and off duty, so awareness and action are skills requiring integration into every aspect of our operations,” said Shaw. “Bringing Chief Bob Kuehl to Schofield Barracks was about giving Bronco leaders additional tools and perspectives to implement more effective risk management with their teams.”
Kuehl’s presentation sparked plenty of interest throughout the audience as numerous Soldiers asked follow-on questions on the topics discussed.

“As leaders, one of our primary responsibilities is to assess and mitigate risk,” said Capt. Cliff Hodges, Alpha Company, 2nd Battalion, 35th Infantry Regiment. “Mr. Kuehl provided a perspective from someone outside the Army bubble on how to practically apply risk management to situations we may face and how to enable subordinate leaders to do the same.”
Kuehl’s visit marked the fourth Bronco leader professional development lecture in as many months, reinforcing the Bronco Brigade’s commitment to investing in its people.

“I value being in an organization that seeks a wide aperture of experts to develop leaders,” said Maj. Dare O’Ravitz, 2-35 Infantry Battalion, operations officer. “Bob Kuehl’s knowledge, experience, and expertise from 35 plus years of police service provided Bronco leaders a different lens to view and think about risk management.”
If there’s one piece of advice Kuehl hopes all leaders take away from his presentation it’s simple - “take action.”
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