Strategic workforce reminded of the power of prayer

By Jason Cutshaw, USASMDCNovember 18, 2022

Strategic workforce reminded of the power of prayer
Dr. Steve Pierce, U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command chief technology officer, speaks during USASMDC’s Prayer Breakfast at the Summit of Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, Nov. 16. (U.S. Army photo by Jason Cutshaw) (Photo Credit: Jason Cutshaw) VIEW ORIGINAL

REDSTONE ARSENAL, Alabama – The U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command’s chief technology officer stressed the importance of prayer for the nation, the U.S. Army and the command during a Prayer Breakfast at the Summit of Redstone Arsenal, Nov. 16.

Serving as the breakfast’s guest speaker, Dr. Steve Pierce said he prayed his talk would glorify God and touch hearts where needed.

“It is truly a blessing that we live in a country where we have the freedom to worship and to pray,” Pierce said. “And in my experience I have found that it is so important that I pray supportively, I pray intentionally, I pray patiently and I pray unceasingly.

“Personally, I have been so blessed to have worked with and for Godly believers. And I have been so blessed that SMDC is full of prayer warriors, who have personally prayed for me and my family through losses and challenges,” he added. “In my life, I have seen answers to prayer and am so thankful that we can petition the Lord personally. I’ve experienced so many situations and seen others who have had prayers answered. There is no doubt that Prayer is powerful.”

The breakfast began with welcoming remarks by USASMDC’s Command Chaplain (Col.) Mark A. Frederick and continued with readings from scripture, a prayer for the nation, and songs of prayer.

Frederick said the command is hosting the prayer breakfast for several reasons, and he believes when a prayer breakfast is conducted in a unit, Soldiers and civilians, consciously or unconsciously, feel the command cares about their spiritual health.

“We have prayer breakfasts for several reasons: to help build spiritual resiliency; to build a sense of team fellowship outside of the work environment; and to highlight our command’s priority in nurturing our spiritual nature,” Frederick said. “I believe the prayer breakfast was very successful. We had more than 50 in attendance and I think this is a very good due to the number of folks still teleworking.”

He added that the purpose of the prayer breakfast is to remind participants that they live in a free country where they can publicly practice freedom of religion.

“I am always grateful for SMDC Soldiers’ and civilians’ support for their chaplain and chaplain programs,” Frederick said. “We are blessed to have SMDC leaders who not only support, but can speak on the subject of spirituality and their own spiritual journey.”

The Redstone Bicentennial Chapel provides the funding for these events and also provides numerous programs and activities for Soldiers, civilians and retirees.

Attendee Rozeka N. Gates, executive assistant for the USASMDC G-8, said she enjoyed everything about the breakfast – the location, the program, the message and the food. She added that it would also be nice for the command to participate more often in prayer breakfasts.

“The Prayer Breakfast was awesome and I felt so refreshed afterwards,” Gates said. “I enjoyed the atmosphere, Dr. Pierce’s message and of course the breakfast was delicious. I really like how everyone joined in together singing the two songs. I also love how some of my fellow teammates came together on one accord to lift up the name of Jesus.”

Gates said that as a believer in Christ, she knows how important prayer is and that it is part of her daily routine.

“I enjoyed listening to Dr. Pierce, how he gave great examples of why prayer is important and how powerful prayer is,” Gates said “Prayers are not always answered immediately, but this message gave me hope to keep believing, don’t give up and keep praying. The other nugget I took from the message was, always lift others in prayer; you just never know what the person sitting next to you or in your family is going through.”