Specialized education program opens new doors for Soldier career paths

By Jenn DeHaan and and Continuing Education System ContributorsNovember 9, 2022

Soldiers who recently completed the Basic Skills Education Program stand with instructor Lola Best and Fort Knox Garrison Command Sgt. Maj. William Fogle. BSEP helps Soldiers improve reading, writing and math skills in preparation for retaking the...
Soldiers who recently completed the Basic Skills Education Program stand with instructor Lola Best and Fort Knox Garrison Command Sgt. Maj. William Fogle. BSEP helps Soldiers improve reading, writing and math skills in preparation for retaking the Armed Forces Classification Test in hopes of improving their General Technical scores. (Photo Credit: Photo courtesy Fort Knox Continuing Education System) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT KNOX, Ky. – A program aimed at teaching Soldiers ways to boost their Armed Forces Classification Test results just got a boost of its own.

The Basic Skills Education Program is designed to help Soldiers improve their functional reading, writing and math skills. Fort Knox Garrison Command Sgt. Maj. William Fogle said many Soldiers who participate in BSEP go on to achieve higher General Technical scores when retaking the AFCT, which can mean new opportunities.

“As Soldiers get a little bit of experience in the Army, they see something that draws them to another career field – but they don’t have a 110 GT score,” said Fogle. “BSEP opens up the door for them to be in a career field where they feel like they’re contributing more.

“Now, we as an Army are going to get the best out of them because they’re in a place where their talents can really flourish.”

Many occupational specialties within the Army require Soldiers to have a minimum 110 GT score. According to Fogle, whether a Soldier is interested in reenlisting, changing jobs or applying to Officer Candidate School, BSEP is designed to provide the academic skills necessary to raise their score and meet specific program qualifications.

“Being in a job that inspires you is critical,” said Fogle. “BSEP offers them the chance to increase their score and go on to reclass into something that’s more appealing to them.”

As a vocal advocate for the opportunity BSEP provides Soldiers, Fogle said he fought to have a permanent instructor position established at Fort Knox – something which was previously funded through a state grant. Now, Lola Best, a teacher with 33 years of experience and who first began instructing at BSEP in early 2019, is on post full-time.

“Mrs. Best is a phenomenal instructor,” said Fogle. “Getting someone who is a licensed, certified teacher with a lot of experience is so important because everybody learns differently, and she really understands that.”

Fogle said Best provides tailored one-on-one instruction for Soldiers to ensure they get the most out of the program. He said Best’s commitment to Soldiers’ success means more see the improvement they’re hoping for, as opposed to walking away feeling defeated.

“That affects morale for Soldiers,” said Fogle. “If you take the time to take a class and study, and then you don’t pass – it affects you.”

Before Best was full time, Fogle said the installation not only saw less BSEP participation but also less pass rates. With Best on staff, 50% of Soldiers who retested increased their GT score by 10 points or more.

“For us here at Fort Knox, having in-person instruction with BSEP is critical,” said Fogle. “It’s important to make sure we’re reaching every single individual that we can and giving them the opportunity to be the best they can be.”

Although BSEP classes currently meet on weekday mornings only, the Fort Knox Education Center is working to potentially expand the program to offer Soldiers even more options. Fogle said prioritizing BSEP accessibility is crucial to giving them every chance to succeed.

“Our Soldiers are absolutely the most valuable resource we have in our Army,” said Fogle. “Making sure they have the ability to progress through their careers is so important.”


Editor’s note: For more information on the BSEP and available classes, call 502-624-2427 or email usarmy.knox.id-training.mbx.dhr-aces-counselor@army.mil