Contract Team provides various types of ammunition and weapons to assist the Department of Defense

By Elizabeth UrbaniakOctober 31, 2022

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A contracting team from Army Contracting Command-Rock Island (ACC-RI) Munitions and Industrial Base (MIB) Directorate awarded a 5-year Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract in January 2022 in support of U.S. Army, Product Director Special Ammunition and Weapon Systems (PdD SAWS) and Joint Munitions Command (JMC) Security Assistance Directorate.

This contract vehicle provides the flexibility and responsiveness necessary to meet urgent requirements for the delivery of various types of SAWS for the Department of Defense (DoD), other U.S. agencies and foreign allies for the purposes of testing, training, and combat in order to support the National Military Strategy. This contract was awarded under the lead of Lana Graw, contracting officer, and Logan Frye, contract specialist.

The SAWS items are primarily for use in non-U.S. weapon systems. SAWS and Non-NATO standard ammunition refers mainly to ammunition and weapon items produced and used by the Former Soviet Union (FSU) or Eastern Bloc countries. SAWS are unique combat items with different designs produced in many countries with different sources. SAWS are ammunition and mortar weapons systems that have not been safety tested and type classified for U.S. Army use and cannot be procured through the Army supply system.

“PdD SAWS provides non-DoD standard munitions ranging from small and medium caliber ammunition, rocket propelled and recoilless rifled, launched and hand-thrown grenades, mortars, tank and artillery to aircraft munitions,” said Frye. “Overall, PdD SAWS manages over 400 items.”

According to Project Manager Maneuver Ammunition Systems (PM MAS): (, PdD SAWS’s origin traces to April 2008 when a Task Force was established to address supply discrepancy reports from U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM), Combined Security Transition Command-Afghanistan (CSTC-A) and the Afghanistan Ministry of Defense for various non-DOD standard munitions items delivered to Afghanistan.

PdD SAWS procures and manages non-DOD standard munitions that are provided to Afghanistan, Iraq and other friendly nations executing counter insurgency, counterterrorism, and security operations. In addition, ammunition is being provided to other U.S. services for test and evaluation, engineering design assessments and threat analyses that support our development of tactical counter measures. PdD SAWS personnel ensure the ammunition procured is safe, reliable, and adheres to U.S. and international laws and regulations.

“This not only provides Army Readiness for the Department of Defense, but also for our foreign allies,” said Graw.

Frye said that there are some challenges with this requirement, but the commitment of the team, its perseverance, diligence to overcome challenges, and ability to resolve issues and stay on schedule is commended.

Because this requirement is impacted by world events which are often in flux, it is important that the team ensures readiness and reliability to accomplish the mission.

Graw acknowledged that other challenges include transportation and determining a logistics solution; changes to the delivery locations; urgent delivery schedules; processing end user certificates, permits, and licenses; and communicating with local governments and suppliers in foreign countries in a dynamic, ever-changing, and fast paced environment.

“The team is committed to working together, overcoming challenges and supporting the end user,” said Graw.

Frye noted that while the customers want things yesterday, the team needs to ensure the proper acquisition rules and regulations are followed.

“With the way contracting works, it often takes time and patience especially when we have to ensure that we obtain the correct approvals and waivers consistent with policy guidance,” said Frye. “It’s not just a snap of the fingers.”

Frye also recognized one of the successes of the contract award was Graw’s leadership, in that she made sure that all customers were on the same page and working together.

“I think our team, specifically Lana, ensured our customers, JMC and PD SAWS worked together to make collective decisions and used each other as viable resources,” said Frye. “We work together and in close coordination with PD SAWS, JMC and the prime contractors to ensure the end user receives safe and reliable ammunition.”

Frye and Graw stated that this requirement has also involved JMC’s security assistance team as well as the PD SAWS team and has given ACC-RI the opportunity to train a new generation of contracting professionals on a unique type of requirement.

“It has been a team effort in contracting and more than just the PCO and specialist,” said Frye. Our leadership within ACC-RI and interns on our team, have been instrumental in supporting the SAWS actions.”